Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

Shrimp, try to think of chocolate all melted down and gunky and horrible...Paul McKenna advises you to visualise your biggest weakness in the most disgusting way, like covered in hair and flies and crawling with maggots and then do some deep breathing to relax to get rid of the craving. I am going to try it today when the cravings hit!
Shrimp it could have been your body crying out for a bit of energy with all the running your doing? I've been trying to get a bit of fat in my diet as well as my shakes for energy, ratther than sugar and I feel better for it too. I've been having fresh coconut from Morrisons and I just convince myself its a Bounty :D Or sometimes full fat greek yoghurt. Neither seem to have affacted my weightloss either? x
Thank you Ladies...I like you ideas and will give them a go.

I have been doing my horses tonight and swallowed either a fly or spider. The issue is it keeps trying to come back up. Not a nice experience I have tried all the following to no avail.

shake with my coffee bottle of diet coke
2xryvita to see if something other than liquid keeps it down....but nothing is working.

even tried to make myself sick to bring it back up.
Hope the fly or spider gets sorted Shrimp and you are OK, it must be such a strange feeling. I love the idea of chocolate covered in horrible stuff. I Will have to think about that when I would chop my am off for some chocolate! You would laugh if you saw me today Shrimp in the office surrounded by chocolate it was a few birthdays and they decided to place all the chocolate next to my desk I just moved my computer around and tried not to look at it it was so hard only for my hols are coming up I think I would have caved in but delighted this evening that I didn't. You are doing really fab on all that exercise well done Xx
Thank you all!'s gone but it took some time.extra protein but not good for a veggie..but then not sure if its classed as meat! He! He!

been for a 2.7 mile run! Much better than Monday night, and at a much quicker time!

so that is a total of 6.7 miles this week. Back out tomorrow.

i am at a bit of a loss tonight as I dropped Liv off at the station this morning. She has gone to London for 2 nights! I miss her so much and worry..worry..worry
Hope the fly or spider gets sorted Shrimp and you are OK, it must be such a strange feeling. I love the idea of chocolate covered in horrible stuff. I Will have to think about that when I would chop my am off for some chocolate! You would laugh if you saw me today Shrimp in the office surrounded by chocolate it was a few birthdays and they decided to place all the chocolate next to my desk I just moved my computer around and tried not to look at it it was so hard only for my hols are coming up I think I would have caved in but delighted this evening that I didn't. You are doing really fab on all that exercise well done Xx

I can't believe you managed...I would have really struggled!
Hi Shrimp the 2 nights will fly in honestly and she will be back home before you know it. The Choc today in the office really was a big test for me I was the last leaving aswell so could have easily caved in but I have to think of Saturday and the hols well done on our running you really are doing fab x
Hi Shrimp the 2 nights will fly in honestly and she will be back home before you know it. The Choc today in the office really was a big test for me I was the last leaving aswell so could have easily caved in but I have to think of Saturday and the hols well done on our running you really are doing fab x

Thank you!

3 more sleeps
Oh no Shrimp :yuk:
I'm glad the fly/spider thing has gone !!
I read somewhere we eat 8 spiders in our life time. So, you only have 7 more to go, that's if you haven't eaten more in your sleep :p
Great stuff on the running too :D
I hope your daughter enjoys her time in London :)
Thanks Marge....fingers crossed that I eat no more!
Have a great day everyone
If you stuck to exante 100% TS and then ate a fly it has to count as a WS Day! lol! :D
Just had my last shake or the day and about to go out for my run
Back from tonight's run.
Monday 4 miles.
Wednesday 2.7 miles.
thursday 5.3 miles.

total so far for the week.....12 miles
Well done shrimp. I did umm and ah about going but have lost interest now I've finally finished doing everything. I bizarrely did 50 squats plus some planks. Think ill head out for a run Tom morning when it's hopefully cooler x
Yr so weird plym lol xx
Yes I know. It's because lil mentioned the 30 day squat challenge earlier so googled it as I'd never heard about it. Was just trying to see how hard it could be. Apparently beyonce can do the plank for 3 mins so if its good enough for her I want to be able to do it! Think this could take some time!! X
Not competitive then?