Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

It's 1.25am and Kelly has just left the hospital, she is tired and in a lot of pain so I will find out what's happening tomorrow...night all xxxx

Sorry to hear about your daughter! I hope she is feeling a little better with being at home.

It sounds like you have had a lovely couple of days shopping with your daughters. Mum & daughter days are the best!!

Take care sweetie xxx

Sorry to hear about your daughter! I hope she is feeling a little better with being at home.

It sounds like you have had a lovely couple of days shopping with your daughters. Mum & daughter days are the best!!

Take care sweetie xxx

so sorry to hear about your daughter. hope she's doing ok xx

Thanks ladies, just spoken to Kelly and she is in agony, they were saying at the hospital last night that she will have to have physio and they will be sending her back to her consultant, she is worried that they may want to pin this shoulder takes 6 weeks to recover from a dislocation but over 3 months (as long as all goes well) from the time of the op to recover...not clever when you have 3 small children, a job and college course to see to, oh and on top of that 3 weeks before Christmas too and we are all supposed to be going to hers Christmas day...she wants to carry on with that and we have said we will all muck in even with the cleaning to go now as I am on my way to hers to write up 2 essays that she has done for college and that have to be handed in by Monday
Have a good day and speak soon xxxxxx
so sorry to hear about your daughter lily. she will be strong, she has her lovely mother to help her get through this, sending you a :bighug:xx
Hi everyone, have had a lovely day just slobbing out with the kids and watching loads of Christmas films...if you haven't seen Nativity yet, you must it's great fun, me and the kids absolutely loved it .....spoke to Kelly again tonight, she's very upbeat and very much oh well....every other time she has been down, but I think she has turned a corner and realised there's nothing she can do about it so she has to accept it...we didn't go over today as she decided to go ahead with her plans that have been in place for today for months now and that was to have her tattoo...she has had a pin up tattoo done on her leg, the style was from a burlesque site and she is over the moon, I have seen a picture of the tattoo, looks really nice I must say.
Anyway I am going to have a quick read and then off to bed.
Night all and sweet dreams :zz: xxxxxxxxxx
So glad kelly is ok and that you have stopped stressing, I like your idea of slobbing out with the kids watching christmas movies, fantastic. xx
Hey everyone, just a quickie, can't leave my man waiting about when he has been so lovely, bless him
It's our anniversary today and I have been thoroughly spoilt yet again....we are having a lovely snuggly day today and will be going out for a meal tonight...he won't let me lift a finger, is in the process of making my lunch and made me a lovely smoked salmon breakfast and brought it to me in bed with my favourite yellow roses.
Well I am off back to my snuggly man and I will catch you all later, have a lovely day everyone, I know I will xxxxx :bighug: xxxxx
hope your having a good weekend Lily another diary that moves so fast if you've missed a day its a devil catching up again and certainly not to be atempted via phone at work haha
so I'll be back later once im home with a cuppa
Hello everybody peeps, I had a really lovely day thank you...unfortunately my IBS decided to make an unwelcome appearance and we therefore didn't go out to eat, really gutted but have decided :fingerscrossed: that if everything is ok next week we'll do it then, but still had a lovely romantic meal indoors...Mal dashed out and got some lovely smoked salmon and made salmon and philly parcels served with a side salad and lemon wedges for starters...we then had Rib eye steak...cooked may I add to absolute perfection, with mushrooms, SW chips and peas and then topped that off with a lemon curd cheesecake which was to die for so I had a huge chunk :giggle:, but Mal did laugh, we decided we would have a nice drinkie with our meal and Mal suggested we had Pernod and lemonade (as that was what we both drank when we first met some 36 years ago), so being a non drinker I decided I would have a small Pernod and lots of lemonade....well I am ashamed to admit after half a glass I was rat-ar*ed :8855: I can't believe that after such a small amount I was slurring and giggling and teetering about ...Mal thought it was hilarious, so what did he do...he filled my glass up a further 2 times...I was smashed had to go sleep it off hahahaha....oh well it'll be another 365 days before I do that again most likely :giggle:
So now Mal has just gone to bed, thanked me for a lovely day...I didn't do anything? oh well I'm glad he enjoyed our day, but for me the hi light was that he actually remembered lots of things about our wedding day that I really thought he would have forgotten, that really pleased me ...simple things please me :D:
Hope you have all had a lovely day too...nose back to the grindstone tomorrow, so have a good nights sleep everyone and sweet dreams :zz: xxxxxxxxxxx
Good Morning lovelies, I just had a sneaky peek at the scales...yeah I know I shouldn't but after my 4 meals off plan I couldn't wait till tomorrow night could I ??? lol
Well I was expecting a massive gain and I know it could still change by tomorrow night but I am chuffed to say that right now they are showing just 1lb gain, if it stays like that I will be so :happy036:
To be honest, looking back on what I ate this week, there wasn't really anything that bad, I did leave the butters and sauces alone and ate as little as possible of bread or that kind of thing and swapped chips for Jacket potatoes and had salad with every restaurant we went to had a salad so I ordered it (at £2.90 too :eek:) cos I was determined to have a salad and what they brought me was a few lettuce leaves with a tomato sliced into it and coleslaw dolloped on top...I sent it back and asked them to give me one minus the coleslaw as when I first went into the restaurant I told the waitress I was with SW and I needed a healthy lunch, even when I ordered my main of steak and jacket potato I had to send that back cos the ditzy mare brought me chips...but I did also do over 20 hours walking this week and have even fitted in 2 sessions of Just Dance 3 with the kids cos I had them Friday cos of Kelly's dislocation, so I am going to take about 5 hours exercise for the week, not as good as normal but the walking won't harm either .so I had a fab fun week with my girls, a lovely day with my wonderful hubby yesterday and now back to the grindstone today, so have a lovely day everyone and I will catch you later xxxxx
Today's Menu:


Oats so simple (Hexb)
Milk (1/2 Hexa)
Golden Syrup 1.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Kiwi Fruit
Water (1 pint)

Minestrone Soup
Water (1 pint)

Roast Pork
Roast Potatoes
Roast Cauliflower
Gravy 2 syns
Water (1 pint)

Fruit throughout the day
Dolce Gusto Chai Tea Latte 1 syn
Water (2 pints) while exercising

Total for the day = 6 syns

Sounds like a really nice weekend you had there Lily
good for you sending back the salad if you had wanted coleslaw
you would have ordered it surely how can they call coleslaw salad ?
Sounds like a really nice weekend you had there Lily
good for you sending back the salad if you had wanted coleslaw
you would have ordered it surely how can they call coleslaw salad ?

Exactly it really astounded me £2.90 for a couple of lettuce leaves and a tomato ....the coleslaw looked vile even tho I normally adore the stuff, so i thought no I'm not having that, was a little peeved that I had to pay that much money for about 20p of salad but was more proud of myself for once in my life sending food back and saying no it's not what I asked for instead of just eating it and sitting there seething.
Hun I had the best week of my life, I seriously mean that, I really feel I have started living and that I am going to have a ball doing just that ...can't wait to do more.
:eek: :eek: is that me talking up there ^^^^^^^, don't sound like me at all .....:woohoo: thank god :8855: xxxxx
Hun I had the best week of my life, I seriously mean that, I really feel I have started living and that I am going to have a ball doing just that ...can't wait to do more.
:eek: :eek: is that me talking up there ^^^^^^^, don't sound like me at all .....:woohoo: thank god :8855: xxxxx

:D:D ((hugs))

that's lovely to hear Lily
you go Lady you deserve to live it up