Hi lily,
I know the feeling... The more wonderful people I meet on here, the harder I find it keeping up with diaries.
I am not complaining a single bit though... I am sure I would have not lost half the weight I have without the support of everyone on here!
I think everyone appreciates it not always to be 100% on top of diaries it just nice to know there is always someone there when we need a bit of support.
Hope your having a good week Hunny?? Xxxxxx
Hi sweetie, you didn't kick my butt for scale hoping like you promised and there was me bent lover waiting for the last week :giggle:
I try to keep up, start doing them and then something comes along, I love reading them all just not got time to do them all, I know I understand that not everyone will keep up , I just hope others do too, I am not being rude just can't keep up :cry:
I feel the same, I am making a point of visiting those having the hardest time at the mo as I feel they need support more, and I do visit the challenge sites cos then I get to talk to lots in one go.
I am having a lovely week, house is decorated as is tree, presents are being wrapped, chutney and pickles are made and if I lse at all tomorrow that will be the icing on the cake lol
Hope you're well hun and all settled back after you lovely time away.
Mine and Mals anniversary this Sunday coming, we are goign out for a meal, decided to go away for Mal's birthday in Feb or mine in May not sure which yet, maybe mine though cos the weather should be nicer, although we never seem to do anything special on his birthday...hmmm will have to change that xxxx
The chutney looks lovely
Has the baby come yet?
The Chutney is gorgeous....
Baby Sophia arrived at 9.14am today, mother and baby both doing well....don't know much else just yet, but am sure we will get all the details as soon as she is settled, have seen a pic and she looks the spitting image of her mummy...so cute xxxx
I have seen those scarve,hat and glove sets today

hubby wouldn't buy me one

I want one too and Mal told me to grow up....I told him to grow down hahaha....lighten up hun you don't want to be old do ya ..or is it too late I ask myself :giggle:
I think mike and mal are made from the same mold, he questions why I am buying things to and pulls faces when i want money off him

I could understand Mal if it was his money or from the housekeeping, but we each take money , kind of like pocket money every week and then the rest stays in a joint account for bills food etc, so this was my money, he has his own and I sure don't tell him what to do with it either cheek of him
Tomorrow i am taking my purse out with me and am going to take money out and keep it instead of him

Lol good for you, you go girl xx
I too need to stop christmas snacking, get tomorrow out the way then i am going to have a big christmas push.
like you i have walked a lot and carried on going to the gym to try and minimise the damage.
good luck for tomorrow, i will keep my fingers crossed that the 2lb is kosher xxx
Thank you hun, I would be happy with a STS this week, so any loss will be a bonus, it's not that I am being really bad but to be honest I am sick of sitting watching them eat while we are out and I have just a cuppa, so when I am home I am 99% good, but when we are out all day and they stop for something to eat, I am going to eat too, although I won't go mad. They had sausage and chips on Saturday, I had a bacon roll and was happy with that oh and a hot chocolate to go with it...yummy
I definitely think all the exercise and the walking on Saturday may have saved me from a worse time though :giggle: xxxx