Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hi lovely Lily never feel bad for venting especially on your own thread lol It sounds like you have had a horrible time but it also sounds like you are getting through it and dealing with it. Well done for being so confident and strong Im so proud of you

Hey hun,
Where ya been, missed you.
Thanks sweetie, I guess I just don't like to think I make anyone feel uncomfortable or even bored lol...yep had a rough time but that's in the past well and truly, have dealt with all my demons now, my brother really was the last one and I am now truly able to concentrate fully on me and getting the weight off.
:wow: confident & me ...all in one sentence, I absolutely never thought I'd see that lol xxx
Hey Lily
Sorry its taken me so long to catch up on your diary. I sulked for several hours then I've been up Charlies school tonight and not been home long

Anyway sulk over now and tomorrow is a new day :D

Sounds like you had a really good weekend sweetie. and i'm so loving the confident Lily :D mind you i'd love you no matter how you are :D cos you are so lovely

You know when I read your diary we are so alike in how we speak, feel, think, its actually spooky . I read it and think you could so easily be describing me sweetie.

So glad you spoke to your brother. Glad Mal has a job 2 days a week, I too like my space, Gary did my head in when he was out of work 24/7 I so like some 'me' time.

Marshmallows and galaxy, omg heaven :D

again sorry its taken me so long Lily I kept starting to read and getting sidetracked with work xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey hun,
Where ya been, missed you.
Thanks sweetie, I guess I just don't like to think I make anyone feel uncomfortable or even bored lol...yep had a rough time but that's in the past well and truly, have dealt with all my demons now, my brother really was the last one and I am now truly able to concentrate fully on me and getting the weight off.
:wow: confident & me ...all in one sentence, I absolutely never thought I'd see that lol xxx

Hey gorgeous Ive been here lurking but had been completely off plan until last week so felt to naughty to actually comment.
My brain has clicked back in though and Im being a good girl now:)

Hey Lily
Sorry its taken me so long to catch up on your diary. I sulked for several hours then I've been up Charlies school tonight and not been home long

Anyway sulk over now and tomorrow is a new day :D

Sounds like you had a really good weekend sweetie. and i'm so loving the confident Lily :D mind you i'd love you no matter how you are :D cos you are so lovely

You know when I read your diary we are so alike in how we speak, feel, think, its actually spooky . I read it and think you could so easily be describing me sweetie.

So glad you spoke to your brother. Glad Mal has a job 2 days a week, I too like my space, Gary did my head in when he was out of work 24/7 I so like some 'me' time.

Marshmallows and galaxy, omg heaven :D

again sorry its taken me so long Lily I kept starting to read and getting sidetracked with work xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hey hun,
That made me laugh, we even both apologise for things we don't need to :8855:
I feel the happiest I have felt in a long time today, Mal is happy to be back doing something useful and not cooking, cleaning , shopping or listening to me lol.
I had a really lovely weekend as did the rest of the family, it's been a good 3 or 4 years since we all got together like that, we used to do it regularly but we all got side tracked by life and it slipped, we will have to do it again soon.
My brother is lovely, but he takes it upon himself to be the leader, when we actually don't need one and can be very forthright in fact too forthright at times and because I don't like to rock the boat I let it slip, but it was getting me down, so yesterday I decided to put him straight, must have been ok cos his final words to me yesterday were how well I had done and was I ready to cane his bank card yet....I said no give me another year and then I'll do a good job on it :8855:

Bet you feel so good now that you have been honest about your feelings, well done lily :) very proud of u x

Thanks Roziee I really appreciate that sweetie, means so much to hear you and others say that xx
Yes I feel so liberated, I was actually trying to think how I felt earlier and I think I finally came up with the right words...Grown up ...always felt like my brothers little sister, but now I feel like his equal xx

Hey gorgeous Ive been here lurking but had been completely off plan until last week so felt to naughty to actually comment.
My brain has clicked back in though and Im being a good girl now:)


Aww I am so glad you're back, and especially glad that you're being a good girl too, you so deserve this hunni xx
Well I am off to bed, got a busy morning tomorrow, will try and get on here before WI tomorrow night, am happy to take any loss even half a lb this week after my little faux pas with the marshmallows, but if I gain then :fingerscrossed: it's a small one.
Sweet dreams everyone xx
Good luck for tonight lovely Lily

OMG .......I lost (feint) 6.5lbs and was SOTW and got my 5st award :woohoo: :woohoo:...I am off to have my dinner am really starving lol...and I will tell you what I have done different this week, either that or go look on welshtiggers diary cos I outlined it on there would have been 7lb but went to put on the trousers I normally wear to group and they fell down :8855: so had to put on my trackies which weight 1/2lb heavier than my cotton trousers lol, but hey I'm happy either way. xxx
Lily42uk said:
OMG .......I lost (feint) 6.5lbs and was SOTW and got my 5st award :woohoo: :woohoo:...I am off to have my dinner am really starving lol...and I will tell you what I have done different this week, either that or go look on welshtiggers diary cos I outlined it on there would have been 7lb but went to put on the trousers I normally wear to group and they fell down :8855: so had to put on my trackies which weight 1/2lb heavier than my cotton trousers lol, but hey I'm happy either way. xxx

Look mrs Lilly!!!! I know I've said before that you rock-but omg!!!! That's amazing, and the motivation I needed right now!! You're amazing Hun xx
Hi Jo, Thanks sweetie,
Really works, I am so happy and so excited I am now officially UNDER 20st...I don't even remember the last time I was that low in weight ...:woohoo:...I can't believe it was actually that easy.
I haven't eaten less food just eaten differently like I said earlier on your diary and varied how much water I have drunk and again varied my exercise ....there was a bigger loser than me at group, but she had gained 5lb last week and then lost 8lb this week...we had 39 people sign into group tonight and between us we lost 104lbs....that is daughter followed this same thing as me since Thursday and she lost 4.5lb tonight too..well worth a try hun xxx
oh my word well done lily!!!

Thank you sweetie, will have my dinner and I will outline for everyone what I did differently this week and don't forget I also had b'day cake and marshmallows and chocolate fountain too so had I not had them could have been a bit bigger loss maybe xx
Lily42uk said:
Hi Jo, Thanks sweetie,
Really works, I am so happy and so excited I am now officially UNDER 20st...I don't even remember the last time I was that low in weight ...:woohoo:...I can't believe it was actually that easy.
I haven't eaten less food just eaten differently like I said earlier on your diary and varied how much water I have drunk and again varied my exercise ....there was a bigger loser than me at group, but she had gained 5lb last week and then lost 8lb this week...we had 39 people sign into group tonight and between us we lost 104lbs....that is daughter followed this same thing as me since Thursday and she lost 4.5lb tonight too..well worth a try hun xxx

Wow!!! You're all running away and leaving me! I can't wait to have a 1 at the start of my weight! Hopefully before Xmas xx
Lilly, that is absolutely fantastic. Just goes to shows that even though you have been on the plan for a while you can still have big losses. Will definitely implement what you said soon for sure. You'll soon be at target in no time. So so proud of u :)
Woop woop go Lily well done I cant wait to see what you did :)
I cant wait to be inthe teen stones as well tigger
