Hmm yeah could be the shoes. I really need to upgrade and get some decent footwear. I don't really like wearing shoes and when I'm in the garden I go bare foot as much as I can but outside I always wear my high top trainers. They are big and chunky and heavy and not very good for long distances lol
I am really confused today with my weight and my body. My good ole faithful adorable combats are too big

Cries. I love those trousers. They are perfect for summer. 3/4 length and really comfortable. I normally wear them for weigh in every friday. I can't this week. I just put them on and they fell to the floor. There are no loops for a belt. Im gutted. I should be pleased I have shrunk but now I have nothing to wear. Apart from one pair of jeans all my other clothes no longer fit. They are just too big and I look hideous in them now. Perfect chance to go shopping according to my friend. How I will pay for said clothes is another story lol
Anyway the point I want to make are the scales. According to my scales I have stayed the same this week. Yet my clothes just fell off and when I looked in the mirror you could clearly see hips. I have shape! Dead excited to notice a horrible lumpy part of me is now gone but why doesn't the scales say so. Not that I am worried. Weigh in at group tomorrow and I only ever go by those scales. Rambling big time here. Im not sure this even makes sense.
On to today and I have a 4 mile walk to look forward to. It's Thursday and that means for the next 5 weeks I need to collect my son from after school club. I made a promise that I would walk there every week. Last week it took me 1 hour and 15. I thought it was a piece of cake for the first ten minutes, then reality kicked in and all I could see was how far I had to go and I nearly jumped on a bus. My headphones broke yesterday so I won't even have music to fall back on this time but I am determined to make it there. It's a beautiful day so want to make the most of it.
B: 2x Boiled Eggs + 2 Small brown. (HeB)
L: Left overs from last nights mince and onion. Topped up with some fresh peas and carrots. Really filling and just what I need before going on that walk later!
D: Jacket Potato + Baked Beans with Cheese (HeA)
Muller Light and Strawberries
S: Hi-fi Bar (6 Syns) + Freddo (5)
Total 11 Syns