SITC's diary

Honestly don't know if I could drink any more- I'm drinking about 4 ltrs a day lol had a piece of cake at work at lunchtime abd had about 160g of chicken! just felt so fed up and de- motivated :(

I'm over it now though. Home to have some yummy cottage pie I think and an early night! Rock and roll ;)
Day 30( I think) week 4 on s and s!!

Have decided to stay off the scales until Friday now, hoping that 1lb gain disappeared over night and that I can shed 4 lbs by WI! Gonna take my measurements today and will also use these to motivate incase the numbers on the scale don't move!

No extra protein and defo no cake for me this week!!! its my aim to have a 100% week then I'm having a night off on Saturday cos going out with friends and planning on having a few drinks. Will be straight back on it the following day :)

I'm gonna have a boiled egg for breakfast and then do some kettlebell work followed by some housework.

Going shopping later as have a few things I need to get.

What's everyone else upto over the weekend?
Yay :) we can be bell
Buddies :) I just did the 10 minute fast abs it was really good and man can I feel my abs screaming already!! Size 10 here I come( fingers and toes crossed!)
I did my first pilates class on Thursday!!! I still cant get on or off the loo properly!!! Pmsl....

I'll just about recover for next week lol....
Must have worked then :) i have a couple of pilates dvds too will need to dust them off sometime ;) you will defo feel it after kettleworx, did you buy the whole set or individual ones?
It is pricey but I feel like you get your money's worth and because of how it is structured you can really see progression in your strength and fitness! The trainer, Ryan, is very cheesy but also really motivating, I love him lol can't wait for you to get started lol

Hope you manage to get some jo :)
sliminthecity said:
It is pricey but I feel like you get your money's worth and because of how it is structured you can really see progression in your strength and fitness! The trainer, Ryan, is very cheesy but also really motivating, I love him lol can't wait for you to get started lol

Hope you manage to get some jo :)

I've got some kettle bells already, but they're a bit rubbish-they're the plasticky ones rather than the metal ones!
Went on a shopping spree today and bought some gorgeous new clothes in a size 12!!! I'm currently a size 14/16 depending on where I shop so I'm hoping to get into them asap!!! They are quite summery so that's an even bigger incentive to shift the weight pronto :)

They are from warehouse :) spent more on clothes than I have in years because I feel like I deserve it :) The woman told me about an offer in company mag where you get 25% off but i didn't have time to buy one as bf was picking me up. She gave me the discount anyway :) well chuffed I saved over £35 :)
Finishing off my application tonight as want to have a total relaxing day tomorrow without it hanging over me! Keep putting it off as can't be a&@&d!! That's why I've been on here loads today lol

Foodwise ive been 100%

Brekkie- crispy choc cereal( yum)
Lunch- 1 boiled egg
Dinner- cottage pie with cauliflower( 3rd day in a row having this I LOVE it lol)
Snack for later will be another egg to make up 100g protein.

Ive got a litre of water left to drink, bought the orange water flavouring and it's really refreshing, my fav out of the 3 :)

I feel like going for a nap lol need to give myself a shake!!!!!!
sliminthecity said:
Finishing off my application tonight as want to have a total relaxing day tomorrow without it hanging over me! Keep putting it off as can't be a&@&d!! That's why I've been on here loads today lol

Foodwise ive been 100%

Brekkie- crispy choc cereal( yum)
Lunch- 1 boiled egg
Dinner- cottage pie with cauliflower( 3rd day in a row having this I LOVE it lol)
Snack for later will be another egg to make up 100g protein.

Ive got a litre of water left to drink, bought the orange water flavouring and it's really refreshing, my fav out of the 3 :)

I feel like going for a nap lol need to give myself a shake!!!!!!

You've still got another pack to have too tho?? Are you taking a multi vit with 3 packs and protein? Cos I found I was really tired too
You're right I do :) woohoo lol
I was planning on having x2 cottage pie but ended up just having one, hence the confusion. Yeah I'm taking a multi- vit. I forgot about it the first 2 weeks and felt knackered but since taking it I've felt loads better :) think I'll have me another crunch choc for laters :)
Day 31!!!
Woke up at 4.50 am and lay for an hour before eventually falling back asleep!

Have a sore tummy and feeling bunged up today, meant to buy low carb crispbread yesterday but forgot and walked straight past h and b doh!! Hoping to get some today.
A wee bit stiff from kettlebells yesterday in my lower back, sides and arms- that means its working though :)

I really wanna shift at least 4 lbs this week to get into the next stone bracket.
sliminthecity said:
Day 31!!!
Woke up at 4.50 am and lay for an hour before eventually falling back asleep!

Have a sore tummy and feeling bunged up today, meant to buy low carb crispbread yesterday but forgot and walked straight past h and b doh!! Hoping to get some today.
A wee bit stiff from kettlebells yesterday in my lower back, sides and arms- that means its working though :)

I really wanna shift at least 4 lbs this week to get into the next stone bracket.

Glad you're getting on ok with the kettle bells-I'm gonna leave mine til after the Olympics now as cant really justify the cost before hand! x
Yeah it's very expensive. You could just buy the kettlebell and get videos on you tube, there are loads :)

How is your back
Btw? Feeling better?
Well curiosity got the better of me and I've jumped on the scales. Really needed to see if they had moved and the good news is they have :) putting them back in the car today and won't weigh again until official WI on Friday! Im so relieved :) I'm 1/4 of a lb away from next stone bracket!!