SITC's diary

Forced myself to do 10 minutes of kettlebells, pooped now! Has helped my back slightly too :) yay!

Just had my crispy choc mousse, yummy! Watching biggest loser then early bed. Done in!!

Hoping the cheese hasnt done too much damage!!

Cant wait for my DVD to arrive!!! X
Day 33

Lunch was the usual chicken salad( I really need to branch out lol)

Dinner is going to be cottage pie for a change ;)

Supper will be a shake

I've had 3 babybels today, naughty, so I'm substituting them for a pack to keep calories down. One off so I figure its ok :)

I was kneeling down doing something at work and I've pulled my back, it's sore :( I want to do some kettlebells but not sure if I could manage. It sometimes helps to iron out the kinks though, hmmmmm!

How's everyone today?

I use babybels occasionally.... As a treat if i need one or if I'm hungry at work.... its one of the only treats i can get in the co-op.... Dont like their chicken!! Lol...
Well the night has been a write off, very annoyed with myself.

Just ate half a pack of salt and vinegar rice cakes and a fruit scone :(

The scales have been going down too so why oh why did i do it!! own worst enemy.

Going to bed, fresh start in the morning.

Awww hun you ok???

Try and pin point why you ate.... It'll help you stop yourself in the future.... You'll be back in ketosis before youknow it! Just carry on like it never happened!!! X
How you feeling today! I've had a bad day so hope yours was a lot better!

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I'm pretending last night didn't happen! ;) Boyf asked me just now where all the rice cakes had gone lol said I had no idea!! :) I'm not in denial about it but no point dwelling.

Today is going well so far thanks for asking. I've just had 2x mushroom pasta with button mushrooms for dinner which I love. Had a coffee too.

I really haven't felt any hungrier today but surely I knocked myself out of ketosis? Maybe the hunger will come tomorrow!

I'm craving something sweet right now, I have some things to post so will keep myself busy just now with that as want to keep my last shake until later.

Sorry to hear you're having a bad day I'm gonna have a look at your diary now!
Deezer said:
Awww hun you ok???

Try and pin point why you ate.... It'll help you stop yourself in the future.... You'll be back in ketosis before youknow it! Just carry on like it never happened!!! X

Honestly I just wanted to eat! Wanted something non slim and save! Then when I started with the rice cakes I just wanted to finish them so they wouldn't be there any more lol I should just have chucked then in the bin!!! That's what I'll try and do if it happens again. Hopefully I've learned my lesson as scales were up by a lb today. Can I shift some lbs for Friday?! Hope so :)
Yay 100% today :)
Have had a productive evening as applied for 12 jobs :) put my references into envelopes and addressed them ready for posting tomorrow :)

End of day 34( I think!!)

Night all.
Day 35

So tomorrow is my official WI, had a look today and scales haven't budged so unless I get a whoosh over night it looks like a sts for me. That's basically the same as I was 2 weeks ago :( ok I've had a few cheats but it was only 2 days out of 14!! Feel like i still deserve something!! I'll be majorly p@&% d off if I have a sts to be honest! Anyway....... Lol

Today's been another 100%

Lunch- chicken salad
Dinner-2x spicy spaghetti with mushrooms and artichoke.
Supper will be a shake.
I've had a bottle of coke zero and a coffee too.
Wk 5 WI-1.25lbs

Happy enough with that :)
Do feel a bit bunged up so hoping it'll be a few more in the next few days :)

Happy Friday!!
sliminthecity said:
Wk 5 WI-1.25lbs

Happy enough with that :)
Do feel a bit bunged up so hoping it'll be a few more in the next few days :)

Happy Friday!!

Well done! Here's to week 6!!! :) bring it on x
Start of week 6 :)

Food today has been

Cup of decaf with sweeteners
Chicken salad
Spag Bol x2 with mushrooms
Supper will be a shake
I'm really craving something sweet but want to hang off for my shake. I've just had another coffee( decaf) with sweeteners but still got the cravings! Ah!

I'm having an off plan night tomorrow, going out and want to have a few drinks so I'll be sticking to my packs but I'll up the carbs to
Knock myself out of ketosis. Will get straight back on plan on Sunday. Confident that I can do it :)
Thanks Deezer :) yeah I'll happily take 1.25 :)
You're up early!! did kettleworx arrive yet?

yeah we start work at 9!!! Boooooo lol...

Yeah its at the post office.... need to pick it up!!!

1.25 is a good loss.... mine was well up... but Know its only water so not worrying TOO much lol....

Yeah it will even itself out- don't worry :)
I'm having a night off- was planning on having eggs for brekkie, a pack for lunch, a pack for dinner( chilli) with some brown rice and then a shake and maybe a banana before I head out- do you think that would be ok? Obviously don't wanna be in ketosis while drinking! advice welcome :)

Exciting, hope you can collect your DVD soon :)
Yeah that sounds like a good plan... get out of ketosis nice and early with your rice....What do you drink.... I had vodka lime and sodas the other week and it didnt affect my losses!! : ) X