SITC's diary

sliminthecity said:
Well curiosity got the better of me and I've jumped on the scales. Really needed to see if they had moved and the good news is they have :) putting them back in the car today and won't weigh again until official WI on Friday! Im so relieved :) I'm 1/4 of a lb away from next stone bracket!!

Yeyyyyy x
So far so good been 100% foodwise.
Brekkie- had cafe latte shake hot- love this.
Lunch- was out all afternoon looking at houses so had some chicken tikka slices that I bought from morrisons, will have other half pack with salad for lunch tomorrow.
Dinner- planning on cottage pie( im addicted!) and broccoli.
Supper will be a Crunchy choc pudding( addicted to these too lol)

I had some coke zero, I hardly ever drink fizzy juice but it was quite nice and stops the energy from dipping, although I can't drink a whole 500ml bottle!

Totm has come yet again, even though I'm still on my pill, it'll prob be gone tomorrow again but I feel very bloated!! Yuk. That's about 3 times it's visited since I started!
Day 32... Wow busy old day! Only finally getting to chill out!

Lunch- chicken tikka salad

Dinner-2 x my beloved cottage pie

Supper- crunch choc shake

Been a good day today foodwise :) still enjoying the diet but having a break sat night as I'm going out and want to enjoy a few beverages :)( was meant to be last weekend but change of plan) hoping to lose 4lbs this week.

How is everyone doing?
sliminthecity said:
Yeah I like it in the cottage pie :) makes a nice wee drink too, in fact may have one before bed :)

How you finding the diet?

I had one earlier on. It's very comforting :) Day 1 over so I'm happy :phew:

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Skinny Sia said:
I had one earlier on. It's very comforting :) Day 1 over so I'm happy :phew:

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Well done for completing day 1! It'll be day 32 before you know it :)
sliminthecity said:
Well done :) good luck for day 2!

Thank you. So far, so good! Bit of much milky tea though!

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Welshtigger said:
Well done for completing day 1! It'll be day 32 before you know it :)

Thank you! Can't wait to get that far! :D

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Day 33

Lunch was the usual chicken salad( I really need to branch out lol)

Dinner is going to be cottage pie for a change ;)

Supper will be a shake

I've had 3 babybels today, naughty, so I'm substituting them for a pack to keep calories down. One off so I figure its ok :)

I was kneeling down doing something at work and I've pulled my back, it's sore :( I want to do some kettlebells but not sure if I could manage. It sometimes helps to iron out the kinks though, hmmmmm!

How's everyone today?
Forced myself to do 10 minutes of kettlebells, pooped now! Has helped my back slightly too :) yay!

Just had my crispy choc mousse, yummy! Watching biggest loser then early bed. Done in!!

Hoping the cheese hasnt done too much damage!!
Well the night has been a write off, very annoyed with myself.

Just ate half a pack of salt and vinegar rice cakes and a fruit scone :(

The scales have been going down too so why oh why did i do it!! own worst enemy.

Going to bed, fresh start in the morning.