SITC's diary

I'm gonna stick to vodka and coke zero as it's the safest option I think!! I'm normally a cocktail girl( no wonder I piled on the pounds!!) I'll have dinner about 5 then a banana about 7 before I start drinking!
Had a great time last night but man I'm suffering today- head is pounding!! Had some champers and lots of vodka!

Foodwise I had my packs as normal and had a few potatoes and a banana. Bf brought in a pizza so I had 2 slices!!
My stomach was not good this morning! Looking forward to getting back to my packs today :) scared to look at the scales but I'm gonna have to!
Scales up by 2 lbs, just shows how quick it goes on! I'm confident that'll be gone in the next few days, hopefully with another couple :)

Today is gonna be a tricky one, I'm craving carbs big time!! Need to stay focused!! Still feel terrible, gonna force myself to take the dog for a walk, it looks lovely outside.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!
As long as it was worth it! (lol)
Sorry you have a hangover and I am just well jell!
Be strong! And good luck with today, hope all goes well.

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So 7 o'clock and still feel awful! Honestly the worst hangover I've ever had!! Never again!

I've been good food wise..
Brekkie- 2 scrambled eggs
Lunch- spicy spag
Dinner- thinking about having 2x spicy spag with artichoke and mushrooms- we've been out looking at houses for the past few hours and I am now starving!!!

Hopefully be back in ketosis soon.
biggusburdus said:
As long as it was worth it! (lol)
Sorry you have a hangover and I am just well jell!
Be strong! And good luck with today, hope all goes well.

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Thanks, was a good night but tbh not worth feeling this c&@p!!!
sliminthecity said:
End of day 38 :) going to watch TOWIE at ten then get to bed, knackered!!

Night! Here's to day 39!! Can't believe how quick it's going! Need to place another order this week too x
sliminthecity said:
End of day 38 :) going to watch TOWIE at ten then get to bed, knackered!!

Towie was amazing last night!!!

I was out this weekend as well for a 30th, but wasn't as dedicated as you and came off for the weekend. About to get up to see what the damage is....

7 lost : 60 to goal
Lol... I was the same.... worst hangover yesterday lol...

But my night was worth it too....

Its just water hun!!! It'll drop off again!!! X
fizzyfluff said:
Towie was amazing last night!!!

I was out this weekend as well for a 30th, but wasn't as dedicated as you and came off for the weekend. About to get up to see what the damage is....

7 lost : 60 to goal

Yeah it's so trashy but I love it :). Hope scales not too bad for you!!
Deezer said:
Lol... I was the same.... worst hangover yesterday lol...

But my night was worth it too....

Its just water hun!!! It'll drop off again!!! X

Honestly I felt like death lol much better today though :) scales gone down a bit this morning so that's good! Just hope they keep going!
Welshtigger said:
Night! Here's to day 39!! Can't believe how quick it's going! Need to place another order this week too x

It's flying in! Never thought I'd last this long! I'm out of choc shakes now gutted need some more for my choc fix!
Day 39 done :) yay!

Lunch was chicken tikka with lettuce

Dinner was spicy spaghetti and I replaced a pack with some chicken. Had asparagus and mushrooms.

Supper was a hazelnut shake.

I feel a bit peckish lying here in my bed now!! Need to go to sleep before I eat something( craving an egg, how odd! Lol!)
Day 39 done :) yay!

Lunch was chicken tikka with lettuce

Dinner was spicy spaghetti and I replaced a pack with some chicken. Had asparagus and mushrooms.

Supper was a hazelnut shake.

I feel a bit peckish lying here in my bed now!! Need to go to sleep before I eat something( craving an egg, how odd! Lol!)

Well done you day 39 i can't wait to i can actual say day 7 100% lol. Finding it really hard to stick 100% but i know i need to to get the best results. Haven't been on as been so busy plus more exercise and reading my books. Although i fell off the wagon i'm back and more determined then ever. When i see you and others have reached day 39 it spurs me on to try and do better.
How are you?
Well today has been a complete write off- completely down to me bring unprepared, tomorrow will be a fresh start. If I can scrape a sts this week I will be over the moon!!