Size 10 screaming to get out!!

Jubbly have you tried the spray that attracts puppies to where there supposed to go to the toilet?
For Lilly we used puppy pads which we sprayed with the spray. Once they know yo use the pad, you gradually start moving it towards the back door. Also because she's so small she can use it when we aren't in :)

oooo yes or scented puppy pads my mum had them when her dog had puppies worked very well (until they decide to chew up said puppy pads) ;)
When we're at work, the toilet training is OK as he just gets taken out regularly and he has much more of a routine. At home he gets taken out but sometimes on the way out he goes on the carpet. And sometimes I just find a poo on the carpet and don't know when he did it. We don't have so much of a routine at home. He's a sweetie and he's learnt to sit already :) but sometimes I could just stamp on him when he's yapping at me and attacking my shoes and pulling at the bows. Puppy training tonight - hopefully they'll have some advice on the shoe fetish.

Re the puppy pads, I heard so much conflicting advice on them that I just wanted to cry. I was told that they are bad as they make the puppy used to going inside. Wow-wee, how is anyone supposed to know what to do when nobody agrees on the best methods of training???? I think I'm gonna be borrowing Sue's carpet cleaning machine and sticking some washing powder in it this weekend to do the hallway and lounge (what excitement!!).

Soooo busy at work today and stil trying to find my motivation. Where'd it go?? *sigh*

So, WI this morning and STS again. To be frank I suppose it's to be expected as I'm not really following any proper diet plan now but I was sort of hoping that by some miracle the last 2lbs would have come off as I haven't been that bad!! I had a Tesco chocolate meal replacement shake this morning - strange is all I'll say about that. Bar for lunch. I'm on it today. No Exante left at all. And frigging chicken again for dinner...! xx
Jubbly said:
When we're at work, the toilet training is OK as he just gets taken out regularly and he has much more of a routine. At home he gets taken out but sometimes on the way out he goes on the carpet. And sometimes I just find a poo on the carpet and don't know when he did it. We don't have so much of a routine at home. He's a sweetie and he's learnt to sit already :) but sometimes I could just stamp on him when he's yapping at me and attacking my shoes and pulling at the bows. Puppy training tonight - hopefully they'll have some advice on the shoe fetish.

Re the puppy pads, I heard so much conflicting advice on them that I just wanted to cry. I was told that they are bad as they make the puppy used to going inside. Wow-wee, how is anyone supposed to know what to do when nobody agrees on the best methods of training???? I think I'm gonna be borrowing Sue's carpet cleaning machine and sticking some washing powder in it this weekend to do the hallway and lounge (what excitement!!).

Soooo busy at work today and stil trying to find my motivation. Where'd it go?? *sigh*

So, WI this morning and STS again. To be frank I suppose it's to be expected as I'm not really following any proper diet plan now but I was sort of hoping that by some miracle the last 2lbs would have come off as I haven't been that bad!! I had a Tesco chocolate meal replacement shake this morning - strange is all I'll say about that. Bar for lunch. I'm on it today. No Exante left at all. And frigging chicken again for dinner...! xx

Awww bless :) well if you leave the puppy pads by the door it will be all in one place at least
My mum trained all her puppies on them and never had a problem :)
Yeah maybe a STS is ok after the snacking and your losses have been good until now :)
Jubbly said:
Yeah but I've lost only 5lbs in 5 weeks now. Booooo. Rubbish. xx

Maybe time to stop eating cakes and pastry? ;) anyway 2lbs??? Phhhssstt I'd rather do it slowly and have a few nibbles like you are as it's such a small amount to go :)
Well the weight is coming off steadily which is a good thing, and you're very close to goal weight which means it will be rather slow going. You can do it though!! :)

My hubby did not have such good luck with the training pads, the pug still goes inside occassionally and she is 6 years old. However, putting the pads by the door sounds a wise thing to me; I don't think that's what my hubby did, I believe they were a bit more scattered ;) .
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missfortissimo said:
Well the weight is coming off steadily which is a good thing, and you're very close to goal weight which means it will be rather slow going. You can do it though!! :)

My hubby did not have such good luck with the training pads, the pug still goes inside occassionally and she is 6 years old. However, putting the pads by the door sounds a wise thing to me; I don't think that's what my hubby did, I believe they were a bit more scattered ;) .

Yeah always put them by the door gets the dog used to going to the door when he needs to go :)
Gah! Epic fail. So much for starting being good from today. Have been craving toasted (white) bagel with crunchy peanut butter and bramble jelly since been on diet and relented today as found that a cheque had cleared and wanted to go and buy something. Made Jodie eat one as well so didn't feel too bad...

Avocado for dinner. Start being good from tomorrow again xx
Jubbly said:
Gah! Epic fail. So much for starting being good from today. Have been craving toasted (white) bagel with crunchy peanut butter and bramble jelly since been on diet and relented today as found that a cheque had cleared and wanted to go and buy something. Made Jodie eat one as well so didn't feel too bad...

Avocado for dinner. Start being good from tomorrow again xx

Lmao naughty Jubs!!!! I had major bagel craving yesterday :) saw one on tv drove me mad :)
Jubbly said:
Thanks guys. I would have tried to give Taco a hug but he was a bit snappy yesterday after he met my friend's Staffie - I think he got a bit over-excited!! I couldn't take him to puppy class as planned as I didn't even have £4.50 :(. Today is a new day though and I'm making sure I have plenty of things on hand for him to chew/bite that aren't made out of me and we will give the lead training another go in a mo and hope he doesn't turn into a complete loony like yesterday!! The cats gave me a nice cuddle last night though :).

I did in the end have a dark chocolate bar that had been in the fridge for ages, successfully avoided for some time. All things considered though it was better than the huge self-destructive plate of pasta I was considering and it had about the same number of calories as a meal replacement bar :eek:. However (food porn alert) I went to my friend's for lunch and we had 2 sultana scones each with whipped cream and strawberry jam with a sloe gin and lemonade- OMG, that was soooooo good. And better than the pub lunch I thought we were going to have (and more to the point, didn't cost me anything). Sadly we have to abandon our idea of going on holibobs this year and spend our returned deposit money on bills instead *sigh*. If only the sun would come out (and stay out!) here then it would properly feel like summer.

Hope everyone else is all over it today and feeling positive xx

Ahhh haa! Scones! Had to go back ages though lol
Scones aren't technically cakes. Are they? ;)

Taco has literally gone mental and is running round in circles in the lounge....!! xx
Bless. After all his ballsy behaviour recently he was terrified at the puppy class tonight of all the other dogs and spent most of it hiding behind my legs. He had to be literally dragged around on the lead. He looked a bit sorry for himself...:( xx
Jubbly said:
Scones aren't technically cakes. Are they? ;)

Taco has literally gone mental and is running round in circles in the lounge....!! xx

Lmao well I don't usual like cake but I do love scones so guess not ;)

Awww bless little Taco Taz
Jubbly said:
Bless. After all his ballsy behaviour recently he was terrified at the puppy class tonight of all the other dogs and spent most of it hiding behind my legs. He had to be literally dragged around on the lead. He looked a bit sorry for himself...:( xx

Awwww bless :)
Right, have had a tiny bit of dried up, bleurgh chicken for breakfast (couldn't be arsed to wash up blender for strange Tesco shake) and then most of an avocado for lunch (was too hard) with some salmon and creme fraiche. Now someone's bought doughnuts in. Do I have one, at about 400 cals each (that's what the girl behind me reckons) or do I go get a Tesco bar, on the credit card, or do I have nothing? I really need something. Oh, I don't even know what I'm doing now, I think I want sweetness...xx
And it's raining outside so who wants to go to Tescos right? Half a doughnut has the same calories as a meal replacement bar...
Whoops, it jumped in there. Still not technically a cake though is it?? We checked - 250 calories. Not as bad as originally thought xx