When we're at work, the toilet training is OK as he just gets taken out regularly and he has much more of a routine. At home he gets taken out but sometimes on the way out he goes on the carpet. And sometimes I just find a poo on the carpet and don't know when he did it. We don't have so much of a routine at home. He's a sweetie and he's learnt to sit already
but sometimes I could just stamp on him when he's yapping at me and attacking my shoes and pulling at the bows. Puppy training tonight - hopefully they'll have some advice on the shoe fetish.
Re the puppy pads, I heard so much conflicting advice on them that I just wanted to cry. I was told that they are bad as they make the puppy used to going inside. Wow-wee, how is anyone supposed to know what to do when nobody agrees on the best methods of training???? I think I'm gonna be borrowing Sue's carpet cleaning machine and sticking some washing powder in it this weekend to do the hallway and lounge (what excitement!!).
Soooo busy at work today and stil trying to find my motivation. Where'd it go?? *sigh*
So, WI this morning and STS again. To be frank I suppose it's to be expected as I'm not really following any proper diet plan now but I was sort of hoping that by some miracle the last 2lbs would have come off as I haven't been that bad!! I had a Tesco chocolate meal replacement shake this morning - strange is all I'll say about that. Bar for lunch. I'm on it today. No Exante left at all. And frigging chicken again for dinner...! xx