Not at all, and I'm glad you're still with us

BUT here comes the butt kicking... STOP IT!! What are you doing to yourself? Re-focus... take some time to yourself and have a really good think about what you're doing and what you want to achieve from LT.
Whenever you get a craving for something, take 10 mins to think about it before you eat anything - think about if you're actually hungry, if you are - have a shake and give yourself another 10 mins afterwards to see how you feel.
If you're not hungry, still give yourself 10 mins and keep yourself busy with something, anything - it has to be 10 whole minutes without thinking about the thing you are craving. You might find you still fancy it after that but at least you've given yourself a fighting chance. Better still, you might find that you've forgotten all about it or talked yourself out of it?!!
It's not fair that we can't eat, I feel sorry for myself every single day on LT but I'm just looking forward to finishing. the sooner you get stuck in, the sooner you can finish! Come on... 100% tomorrow! NO tantrums, no excuses, you can do it!!
Tough love from me today, but I know you can take it... you're strong! xxxx