Smallerme does the Whole30, I am cavewoman hear me roar

Day 11. It may be a challenge today, I have a conference to go to where the food is always delicious and the snack tables are stacked beyond belief. It's usually catered all veggie for simplicity so is generally high carb. I don't really want to take a shake as it will draw attention to me. Good news is it's always stacked with a wide range of drinks to choose from. I will not be self sabotaging today, I will be thinking of the positives and the long term goal, keeping at the forefront of my mind why I want to lose weight.
Keep those positive thoughts going, take a bar if you have any - they look like flapjacks so no one will guess. Just keep a drink in your hands at all times and before you know it the breaks will be over and you won't have noticed!
If it gets too much, just take yourself out of the room with the food tables, feign a call, visit the ladies and completely reapply make up etc, thats what I used to do!
I wasn't fussed about food at all, but that might be because I starting feeling sick on the way, travel sickness I thought. I wasn't at all hungry all day, could have well not eaten my bar but I did. However I've just got home and puked, I'm not feeling well at all. There is no way I can drink a shake tonight, it will just come straight back up. Feeling nervous, I hope it's a short lived thing, I'm getting very into exante. Ugh need to lie down.
Aw no, hope ur feelin better soon xx

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Feel better soon xx
Day 12
7am Well I was in bed for 8:30pm last night, hence me being up so early this morning. I still feel shoddy, didn't have my shake last night as it would have come straight back up. I have work today so just going to have a cup of tea and see if that stays down and take my shake to work with me, have it a bit later on. Not looking forward to work at all feeling like this.

Still feeling very motivated and working very hard on the mindset side of it. I guess not having to think about what I'm cooking for my next meal gives me time to ponder this. Still cooking for the family, which is getting less stressful.

6:30pm I'm feeling a bit better, had a shake about 11ish, a bar later on. I made a lovely camembert & parmesan pasta for tea, which smelt divine. I could have eaten it but it was definitely a want, I enjoyed the smell, acknowledged that I wanted it and was able to sit with the family with a cup of boullion. Think I'm going to save my last shake until the kids are in bed and maybe enjoy it as a hot chocolate. Dh is out tonight, so I'm going to hog the remote for once.

10:30pm I've worked out that it's the boullion giving me dry, cracked lips so I'm going to lay off it until I can pick up the reduced salt version. I want boiled egg and soldiers so badly tonight, so I've come to bed instead, I've chosen to let go of the craving through distraction. There's no way I'd be motivated to get out of bed, put some clothes, go downstairs to make something to eat so it's a good way of guaranteeing it will not be happening.

Positive thought of the day: Hang in there through the tough times and you'll receive the pay off.

Highlight: I put my wedding & engagement rings back on and they're not rubbing and causing issues. I can wear them again, woohoo.
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Day 13
4:30pm Yawn I'm shattered, my early night went a bit wrong when dh rang up just before midnight to say the car boot had shut on his head so he was possibly going to A&E as there was a big cut and it was bleeding. He decided against but stayed at his mum's til it stopped, then drove home and we were awake until 1am.

Work today, has been ok, didn't drink as much as I would have liked to, I wish I had more time, we're always so busy.

Had a bit of a drool moment when the girls were eating crisps after school, as they are my biggest downfall. I love them and could eat them until they come out of my ears. I had a boullion instead, and can feel my lips stinging, lol. The lesser of two evils though. Just popped tea in the oven, meatballs & rice for the family, shake for me.

6pm Arghh I want the meatballs, they will not beat me but I really could eat. I'm hungry.

Positive thought: I have the rest of my life to eat the things I fancy in sensible amounts, today I'm choosing not to because it's more important to me to lose weight and be healthy. I will soon be in that place by commiting this short time out of my life to being on a VLCD.
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Love your positive thought :)


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liking the positive thoughts for the day ;)

Day 14
Arghh, fail, but a damage limitation fail. I've been really shaky all day and starving so I've had a slice of ham, a bit of cheese, a chicken breast & a few meatballs. Not all at once I hesitate to add. My lips are falling to pieces, I have a big scabby rim around my entire mouth, not sure if it's the boullion or the diet. Wrong day for it to happen as I weigh in tomorrow. I really, really want to succeed at exante but sometimes I am so hungry I could eat the dog. It has been a very stressful day at work too, but I did wake up with the shakes.

Back on the wagon already, no more food tonight. I guess two protein meals in 14 days is pretty good going overall. I need to keep it in perspective. Tomorrow I'll be 100% again.
Well done - a lot of people would have had a full on binge!! You stopped at just a little and that really is something to be proud of

Thanks Toots, I needed to hear that as I'm feeling like I've let myself down a bit.

Positive thought: I am only human, it's one meal, not a whole day spoiled and definitely not the whole diet spoiled.
Positive thought: I am only human, it's one meal, not a whole day spoiled and definitely not the whole diet spoiled.

Well said ;)

Smallerme said:
Thanks Toots, I needed to hear that as I'm feeling like I've let myself down a bit.

Positive thought: I am only human, it's one meal, not a whole day spoiled and definitely not the whole diet spoiled.

Bloody hell, it's nowt don't beat urself up about it xx

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Day 15

4lb loss this week, yay.