Smallerme does the Whole30, I am cavewoman hear me roar

Well done! That is a fab loss! Do you feel all determined and focused after such a good loss? X
Yay - go you fab loss

Woo hoo that's brill xx

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I am feeling focused, some more supplies have just arrived, so I now have enough for march & april. I got told my face is looking a lot thinner this morning and people can really tell. So far I've had really positive reactions to telling people about the exante plan and everyone is being supportive. I had to take some along to toddler group today because I hadn't had time for breakfast and those who I told just thought the bar was a flapjack.
Day 16
I heard on the radio that it's 50 days to my birthday today, some attention seekers aka Wills and Kate are trying to steal my limelight by getting married on my special day, tut! I'm focusing on how much I could lose in 50 more days of exante, wondering if I could fit back into my wedding dress by then?

Hitting a bit of a mental wall at the moment, need to really focus back into why I'm doing this. Perhaps it's time to add in a bit of exercise.

Trying not to get the laptop wet in the monsoon my two little ones are creating in the bath. I feel good again, went to costco, resisted all temptation, had lots of coke zero. I'd had a bit of an argument with dh yesterday and now we've cleared the air today I feel a lot more positive again. It's great for recognising the emotional reasons for eating. I bought carrot cake today for my group tomorrow as we've moved venues so it's a bit of a celebration. Will be strong and not eat any, hehe.
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Brilliant loss this week by the way!

Well, 50 days is 7 weeks. On the basis of your recent loss, estimate further average losses of 2 - 3lb a week and you could be another 1 to 1st7lb down by your birthday - have a birthday weight loss count down calendar to refocus if this helps!

But day 16, that is an achievement itself! You are doing really well so far!!!
Day 17

Well I didn't even feel remotely tempted by the carrot cake, I love it too, so how strange. I've been busy and even though I did drink, it's not been as much as usual until I got back home after school pick up and my skin was already standing up. So had lots of water and some boullion.

I feel way more positive today than I have over the last few days, I feel like some stress has lifted. It's good to not to have to turn to food to soothe it, dealing with it properly helps. Looking forward to the weekend.

I've just read on another thread that week 3 weight loss may be somewhat slower so I feel happy now not to set myself up for disappointed and be realistic. This week I will be happy if 2-3lb goes.
Day 18
OMG I've just signed up for a month of boot camp, what have I done. There was a deal locally on groupon for £9 so I'm planning to do this in April. It's outdoors and sounds mental, I'm sure I'll be the fat, dead one after 15mins let alone an hour but hey, it might be fun. Might even get dh to do it with me as part of his training for the Jane Tomlinson 10k.

6:30pm We've been for a lovely shopping trip today and I've spent a fortune in the whittards outlet. Treated myself to a new cafetiere, as whilst my coffee machine is great, (it's a lovely gaggia all singing and dancing thing), it takes ages to use and is a faff for more than one cup at a time. Got a new big mug and some lovely coffee to go with it. It feels like a reward and it's not food. Win-win. Resisted the lure of KFC as dd1 got a snack box, the other two wanted a McD's, which I'm not fussed about so didn't find that hard. I do love KFC chicken though. I certainly feel more settled again on the diet, hoping this feeling stays.
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Day 19
Long day at work today again, so I'm feeling shattered. I've just done an online shop for the first time in ages as I'm busy over the next few days. I have dh's and dd3's birthdays this week, so lots of food going on, hoping I feel like today as I haven't been remotely hungry. Rather than going out for a meal as we normally would I'm cooking dh something nice, meaning I don't have to eat. I'm planning to make a very hungry caterpillar cake for the little one too, just bought all the ingredients I need. I also need to find time to go buy dh a small something from the kids before Tuesday, don't think I have much chance.

Still battling the sore lips, I wish they'd heal.
Day 20

Wow, I've done 20 days of this already, really settling into it now. Happy monday everyone.
Gah feeling a bit cross at myself, I've had to go to the FPC this afternoon to get my coil checked just in case it's not the VLCD causing the bleeding (awaiting a call to see if I need to go for a scan as examination was inconclusive), fun way to spend an afternoon.

Whilst there I saw my weight on my file from when I got it fitted last Feb, it's 3lb less than I am now. I am so cross, I was working out and eating healthily this time last year and I then let myself put 2.5 stone on in 12months.

I fell down the stairs, really hurt my ankle which stopped me going to the gym & classes for a good 6-8 weeks. That started me on the downwards spiral to eating too much again.

I've wasted years of my life failing at diets, I'm determined to break the cycle this time. I think it will take me another 13mths or so to get to my target weight, I've given myself until my 35th birthday. In it for the long term this time as I do not want to spend the rest of my life ashamed of my weight and body.

There's no reason why I can't be as slim as other people, I need to stop hiding behind my fat, there's a thin person inside of me waiting to break out. I want to feel lighter, like I'm not carting another person around with me everywhere. Time to move out of my fat Elvis stage.
Well, Hun - you are WELL on your way to doing that. You're doing fantastically well!!

Good luck for WI tomorrow

Day 21 Fail!
I made dh a birthday tea, and had an enchilada, I was hungry and they were so tempting. I guess the good thing is I only had one, I feel very full from it. Still not good news. I'm assuming it's probably going to kick me out of ketosis and it's weigh in tomorrow, doh.

New challenge for the start of week 4 is to do a week of 100% and a week of just shakes. Beck arrived today so I am also going to start reading it. Today is not the start of sabotage, I can put it behind me and start afresh in the morning. TS is really hard but next week I'll see the pay off on the scales.
Ooops - on the plus side at least it didn't lead to a binge and you're determined for a 100% day tomorrow ;)

You sound so determined to leave it in the past and start again 2moro so that's good. You've really helped me along the last 2weeks so knowing you can slip up and get straight back on plan takes a lot of pressure off me, coz if you can do it then so can I so thank you :) xx

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Day 22

Weigh in, I've lost 2.4lb this week, which just gets me into the 16's by the 0.4lb, woohoo. It's another marker and a good one for a mental shift. I can see the scales going down and I said I'd be happy with a 2-3lb loss and I am. Feeling renewed in my goal. Takes my total loss up to 33.4lb.

So 100% for 7 days and 100% shakes, more water, I think the last couple of days I've been so run off my feet that my fluid intake has gone down. Must drink more. I want to have lost 3lb next week which will get me to 2.5 stone and so I'll have lost a dd2 in weight. I can do this, I've done 100% before and can get back on track again.
Well done chick :) it's great when u drop into that next stone bracket eh xx

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Well I don't feel overly hungry or shaky etc, so don't think it knocked me out of ketosis. I am very proud of myself, I've been baking all day long and not once have I licked my fingers let alone ate any of my wares. Not even been that bothered about it, I've found I'm really not missing sweet things, it's definitely more savoury. I wonder if that's because the shakes/bars are sweet.

I've been 100% and stuck to shakes, day 1 of my 7 day challenge completed, back on the wagon.
Day 23, 100% shakes done again on a day that could have seen me consume 1000's of calories given the party food available.

Totally and utterly knackered. I haven't stopped for two days, so tonight I'm in bed already, with a cuppa and my laptop and I am going to go to sleep at a reasonable time too.