Day 18
OMG I've just signed up for a month of boot camp, what have I done. There was a deal locally on groupon for £9 so I'm planning to do this in April. It's outdoors and sounds mental, I'm sure I'll be the fat, dead one after 15mins let alone an hour but hey, it might be fun. Might even get dh to do it with me as part of his training for the Jane Tomlinson 10k.
6:30pm We've been for a lovely shopping trip today and I've spent a fortune in the whittards outlet. Treated myself to a new cafetiere, as whilst my coffee machine is great, (it's a lovely gaggia all singing and dancing thing), it takes ages to use and is a faff for more than one cup at a time. Got a new big mug and some lovely coffee to go with it. It feels like a reward and it's not food. Win-win. Resisted the lure of KFC as dd1 got a snack box, the other two wanted a McD's, which I'm not fussed about so didn't find that hard. I do love KFC chicken though. I certainly feel more settled again on the diet, hoping this feeling stays.