Snow's healthy living ramblings

looks yummy!!!

and yeah I think philly would be better than quark.. :)
Yeah. I have managed to do more with quark this time but it is not my fav - I like it better with sweet stuff than savoury. I will have to get some chicken or turkey and then I have everything else I need to make them but the quorn ones will do for now. :)

Having some Green tea now (apparently with mango but we'll see as I've never found the other flavourings they add very effective) it's meant to boost metabolism.
Aww shame it didn't taste of anything. :(
When I was in school we used to make flavoured teas to drink, and what we did was make up a huge jug, chuck in about 8 bags with half the jug full of boiling water and some sugar (although sweetner would be a better choice) and then we left it for about an hour to an hour and a half, and then de-bagged them at the end and they were lovely and strong :)
But this was in switzerland so maybe they had better flavoured teas, because they don't do the whole normal tea and milk over there!
I suspect this might be the case about you having better teas MelonCollie because the best fruit tea I ever had apart from those ones like turkish apple tea that are essentially flavoured sugar were ones a friend of mine used to order from somewhere in Europe. That said I am going to try your method today - I also think mine tasted of nowt a little bit because my OH made it and I told him to leave the teabag in so it could properly infuse and he said no it says 2 minutes on the box as more will ruin the delicate flavour. Lovely cup of hot water bah.

Going to do EE today but going for success express then back to red tomorrow. I walked to aldi and back this morning to stock up on strawberries :)

B: Strawberries with 2 syns light cream and 0.5 choc shot (90% superfree) 250ml almond chocolate milk (HEA1)
L: Pitta(HEB1) with salad, ham, pease pudding and beetroot in it served with carrot sticks with 75g Salmon and Dill Philli (HEA2)
D: Going to do slow cooker beef stew (3-4 syns a portion)- will put lots of veg in the stew and serve it with oven roasted carrots, broccoli and cabbage. Maybe potatoes - will see how the plate looks for the 2 thirds.

Chewy D (HEB2)

2.5 cream and choc shot
4 stew
10 maltesers
Put too much veg in the beef stew so have had to move it to the big slow cooker and as the little one had had veg in I decided to use it rather than wash so I have Beef stew in one and gammon and veg soup in the smaller one. I have used a pea free veg mix in the gammon one so is a red day friendly soup and will have that tomorrow.
Tried the tea. The green tea taste intensified but not the fruit but it was much easier to drink cold so I have had four cups so I might do it again.
Beef stew smells amazing. I am roasting potatoes, carrots and onions, and will microwave some broccoli so should be able to do the 2 thirds superfree easily enough

Saving both the 10 syns worth of maltesers and the chewy d for sunday night crappy telly of x factor and downton.
Right here is tea. Stew is more than 2/3 super free as had 400g beef to 1300g of veg in so tried to split the rest of the plate 2/3rds carrot broccoli and onion to 1/3rd roast potatoes.


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Red day!

B: Porridge (HEB) with 1 tsp (1 syn), fat free natural yoghurt and galia melon
L: Gammon and veg soup
D: Steak, roast carrot and onion. Maybe HEB2 of potato

Carrot sticks with salmon philli light (HEA)
Smoked cheddar (HEA2)

Skips (4)
Love hearts (3)
Options (1)

I have been having a panic over having to syn the soup - I thought it would be syn free as I made it with gammon, stock, and sainbury's finely chopped vegetables which only have the ingredients listed of Sainsbury's - Please enable cookies or JavaScript Carrot (34%), Celery (33%), Onion (33%) I was really pleased to find this because most mixed veg have peas in so have to be synned on red days but this doesn't. But when I put it on myfitness pal it has 6 grams of fat per 100g (and it's the same on that sainbury's link which I couldn't work out until I found this thread where someone else checked it out and sainbury's have calculated the nutrional value as if you cooked it with oil! Really rubbish of them but I didn't so I haven't got to syn my soup!
On my study scales at home I was in the next stone bracket down yesterday and this morning (23st 13.5 both days) which I was pleased about BUT I was last Sunday as well and then 24st0.5 Monday (thought this was at 5am instead of 7:30 like most mornings) and then suddenly it jumped on Tuesday and I gained so not sure what to expect tomorrow - I really would like to get my gain off plus 1.5 for my 3.5 official award but I suppose I would be happy with any number that is a loss and more than my gain (if I just lose my gain some part of me doesn't really count it as progress even though it technically is.)
The soup is really salty and I used unsmoked gammon and didn't add any salt (though it does have stock cubes in which can be salty. I will be boiling a potato in the rest of it tonight to try and reduce salt and chugging loads of water to hope it doesn't make me retain water!
I am six pounds heavier on the study scales tonight that I was this morning and that's before I eat dinner so not even holding out for a loss now :( Drinking loads of water and horrid green tea in case it is water retention.

I do seem to have fixed the soup though.
Dinner. Forgot to measure my potatoes so will not have an extra hea and go back to EE.

Decided to have just 5 syns of maltesers so I could have choc shot and anchor light on my strawberries and 1 syn of extra light mayo on my dinner.

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Yesterday I had four cups of mango green tea and today atwork I have a big jug of apple and pear green tea (does not taste of anythingbut green tea haha, a work friend of mine says the cranberry is delicious so Iam going to try that too) I did weigh exactly the same this morning on myscales as yesterday morning 23.13.5 so we’ll see what tonight brings.
B: Porridge (HEB) 1 tsp Options (1 syn) 2 figs, grapes
L: Strawberries, melon,
D: Will see after weigh in. Am thinking chippie withbattered fish with batter removed (free) and half a portion of chips (8.5 syns)
BBQ Pop chips (5 syns)
More grapes
2 applewood smoked cheddars (HEA)
Maltesers (5 syns)
Syns 19.5/20
Options 1
Pop chips 5
Chips 8.5
Maltesers 5
Well I can confirm that my work colleague is full of it and cranberry green tea is not delicious. It actually made the apple and pear one taste a bit nicer. I would say Green tea as a whole must be an effective diuretic because it does seem to be going straight through me.

I have nearly finished my jug of it and then that will be me done eating and drink wise until after weigh in.