Snow's healthy living ramblings

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Green Day
B: Beans on toast (HEB1) Melon
L: Carrot sticks and philli light(HEA1) and veggie chilli
D: Courgette & Garlic soup for super free, 8 Quorn kievs (4 syns) pack of savoury rice, 30g of phlli light (part HEA2)

HEb" Chewy D or two hifi lights depending on when I fancy this. I have hifi lights ar work and chewy' d's at home :)
150 ml chocolate almond milk (part HeA2)

Maltesers (5 syns)
BBQ Pops (5 syns)
Quorn (4 syns)
I decided to have 4 fruit yoyo's for my second HEB instead of cereal bars:) I finished the chocolate almond milk today, I have bought some hazelnut milk which you are allowed 400ml of and will add some choc shot and syn that to see what that is like. Have 6 more syns to use up so pondering what to have :) Maybe more maltesers.
Slept in today and had a university tutorial so had to dash
B: Mini cinnamon and raisin bagel (6syns) grabbed on way out the door)
L: Boot's shapers sushi mini rolls (1 syn) - these were really nice and for one syn I would definitely get again no wasabi in it though which was a bit of a miss I wonder if that is high in syns?)
D: Either breakfast for dinner or cornbeef pie, chips and beans

Going to supermarket soon to get some ingredients to make lots of soups for the soup challenge. I have a frozen portion of gammon and veg, and planning on making roast tomato, cauliflower cheese and a lentil one and then alternating.

Carrot sticks (making up the superfree!)
BBQ Pops (5 Syns)

Bagel (6)
BBQ Pops (5)
Sushi (1)
Ah I meant to get some tupperware containers at supermarket for boxing up the soup when made. I think I am going to do at least one soup in the slow cooker over night (lentil probably) and do the others tomorrow instead and then I can walk along to aldi for veg and tupperware in the morning.

Vague plan for this week due to red and green days on challenge
Monday - Red yoghurt and fruit for breakfast, Gammon and veg soup for lunch, steak and roasted carrot chips for tea
Tuesday - Green/EE - HEB oats, Cauliflower cheese soup, Fish no batter plus 1/2 portion of chips for tea
Wednesday - Red yoghurt and fruit for breakfast- Roast tomato soup - Salmon and roast courgette and onion
Thursday Green/EE HEB oats - lentil soup - tomato based pasta
Friday Red yogurt and fruit - Roast Tomato soup - Burger in a bowl
Saturday - Green/EE - HEB Oats - lentil soup - quorn kievs and rice + veg
Sunday - Red yoghurt and fruit - Cauliflower cheese soup - Steak and carrot chips.
Okay - having breakfast at home today as on strike until 11. feels a bit weird.

Red Day! First day of the soup challenge
B: 0% fat yoghurt, strawberries, banana
L: Gammon and veg soup
D: Steak and carrot chips with syn free pepper sauce (quark stock and black pepper)

8 fruit yoyos (Both HEB)
Carrot sticks and 75g philli light (HEA1)
Smoked cheese 30g (HEA2) + apple
BBQ pops (5)
Milky Way funsize (3)
Love hearts (2)
(10 syns)
Someone has binned or moved my carrot sticks from the fridge at work :mad: so I have had to buy a little pot of cucumber from the canteen (which I could only do because one of the canteen ladies is also doing slimming world so let me as a fellow slimmer normally you have to buy a full salad box.)
Not really anyone to complain to as we are open plan floors and loads of people use that fridge - weird thing to nick though plain carrot sticks!
Bit peckish so had some ham and beetroot. Ready for tea now but is far too early and I'll be hungry later if I have it now. Prepped some strawberries for after too. I am going to make oxo roasties and weetabix muffins for tomorrows tasting. Will make the weetabix muffins soon but the oxo roasties will have to wait fro tomorrow as don't trust myself around them on a no carb day.
Today's food. :)

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Extra Easy
B: Porridge (HEB) 1 tsp Options (1 syn) 125g raspberries

L: Celery and sweetcorn soup
D: Youngs fish in butter sauce, (1.5 syns) veg and small amount of slimming world chips
Carrot sticks and 75g philli light (HEA)

Saving the rest of my syns for taster night. I have made weetabix carrot cake muffins which are 1.75 syns with frosting (or 4 plus 1 syn for a HEB)
