Snow's healthy living ramblings

According to the study scales I have lost 1lb on the soup challenge despite fridays binge and * week. Really pleased as I really did think it was going to be a push to lose as you have to weigh on monday's for the challenge and my monday weigh last week was the lightest all week (23.10) before jumping between 23.13 and 23.11 all week and then 23.9 today. Last week Tuesday was my heaviest weigh which I do think was water retention based on when * week started so I am hoping that it doesn't jump up on Tuesday again and that I am officially in the next stone bracket down tomorrow as I have been in of a morning for two weeks now but not at night which is when official weigh in is!
Extra easy day after the soup challenge.
B: 2 sausages (1 syn) 3 rashers bacon no fat, half a tin of beans, an apple
L: roast tomato soup (I am done with the challenge but have lots of soup left!)
D Steak and salad and I'm going to attempt salt and pepper chips.

B: 2 x Hifi light bars
A: Philli light (probably with dinner)
Sunbites (6 syns)
Maltesers (5 syns)
Milky way (3 syns)
Steak, broccoli and salt and pepper chips. Maybe over did the chips but there is onion in there and they were amazing. Now having strawberries and raspberries for pud.

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Steak, broccoli and salt and pepper chips. Maybe over did the chips but there is onion in there and they were amazing. Now having strawberries and raspberries for pud. Sent from my GT-I9305 using mobile app
I haven't had steak for so long. I'm craving it now I've seen your dinner :)
I am a big fan of aldi steak - you get a 10 oz rump for £3.29 and I cut it two and so we get a 5 oz steak each for me and my OH which I think is a bargainous price for a steak dinner. Saying that tonight I was all about the chips as they came out great :)
That's so cheap! I love aldi for meat, it's such good quality! I love their gammon joints. I will have to look out for the steaks.
You should have shouted "Looks like you've taken it up the arse from a black guy!" hehe ;)
At least you got some entertainment :eek:

Food's looking great like normal. :) Good luck for your weigh in today!
Didn't post much today as was fighting a migraine.

B: Porridge (HEB) plus strawberries
L: Melon
D Cornbeef pie (3.5 syns) chips, beans and beetroot

BBQ Pop chips (5 syns)
Maltesers (10 syns)
Hazelnut milk with choc shot (HEA plus 1 syn)
Whups just wrote down my food and not my loss. Really chuffed to have managed 3.5 off despite friday's naughtiness. Well done the soup challenge. Into the next stone bracket at last and even though I haven't hit it with SW just yet I lost a little bit of weight before I started so I have lost 4 stone and hopefully will hit that milestone with slimming world v soon.

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Whups just wrote down my food and not my loss. Really chuffed to have managed 3.5 off despite friday's naughtiness. Well done the soup challenge. Into the next stone bracket at last and even though I haven't hit it with SW just yet I lost a little bit of weight before I started so I have lost 4 stone and hopefully will hit that milestone with slimming world v soon.
Wow well done you!! You will hit that milestone very soon. Doing a happy dance for you hehe. X
Thanks amz! Having some kiwi frui for breakfast this morning. Trying to upload a picture of last night's dinner but the mobile app has updated and is all different!


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Extra Easy again today
B: 2 kiwi fruit and a aldi greek lemon yoghurt
L: Ham and pease pudding sandwich (HEB) and melon
D: Cornbeef pie (3.5 syns) chips, beans and beetroot.

BBQ pops (5)
Maltesers (5)
Smoked cheese (HEA) and apple
More melon
Haha I am having cornbeef pie and chips tonight as well and I can't wait and it is not making it is making my lunch sandwich seem appetising even though it's my favourite and I'm excited to have bread.

The chips are not me it is all the work of gadgets - I have a halogen oven and it makes the best slimming world chips and roasties. I never got them really nice in the oven and I always seemed to end up with a mix of some decent, some burnt and a few somehow still raw but with the halogen they are always lovely and you don't need to parboil. I was saving up for an actifry but someone from my group said the halo's were great and it was only £30 from amazon so I decided to give it a go and the chips and roasties and wedges are much nicer and then because I am super lazy I bought a chip cutter off ebay too which is why they are nicely shaped because I have zero knife skills. The chips were great before I bought the cutter but I do think it helps a little as it makes them consistent sized so they cook evenly?
Thanks Lauren :)

I should probably have a weightloss diary for none food related thoughts but keeping up two seems hard work so I am just going to stick my thinky thoughts here - I've been off work today doing a uni assignment and I've been on and off the scales all day just because officially being in the 23's is just a real milestone for me. I don't ever remember being in the 23's before. I was nearly 28 stone when i started this time on slimming world but most of my diets have been me yoyoing between 26 and 24 stone - I have never gone under 24 stone before (I mean obviously at some point I must have weighed under it) but as I never went near scales from about 16 to 26 I don't remember weighing this little. Which probably sounds weird given that it is not a small number - it feels like a real achievement and a sign that this time I am going to do it. So I'm really pleased.