Snow's healthy living ramblings

It was really nice and there was a lecture on medieval dining that was really interesting. Tonight I did smoked salmon pasta with broccoli and used my HEA on that.


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There is a dominican monastery in the centre of town here that is now a restaurant but lots of the original features have been preserved and they do regular lectures (and banquets.) Blackfriars Lecture : Blackfriars The lecture series is in partnership with the medieval department at Durham university so it's really good - I heard about them from a friend at the Open University and we missed the first few but have been to the rest. But if you are looking for something local (assuming you aren't up north) than I would try googling medieval event and where you are as there is quite a lot of reenactment that goes on really!
Green day today.
Breakfast - 2 Weetabix (HEB) made with water and one tbsp golden syrup (2.5 syns), sliced banana and cinnamon
Lunch - Quorn Kiev's (4 syns) philli light (hea) Syn free hummus and carrot sticks, low fat super noodles
Dinner - Mushy pea curry with slimming world chips

Apple and smoked cheese (HEA)
chewy d (heb)
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Didn't bother doing the super noodles with lunch as I am a lazy sod really but this was lovely :) Ended up being 4.5 syns as I had 9 mini kievs lunch.JPG
green day again
B: Porridge (HEB) and banana with cinnamon
L: Lentil and veg soup, Melon, aldi greek lemon fat free yoghurt

Carrots with syn free hummus
Maltesers (5 syns)
Milky way fun size (3 syns)
I spent a large portion of sunday watching 4oD supersize vs superskinny. When I started I was bigger than every woman who has been on the episodes even with the loss I am still bigger quite a few of the supersizers which is quite a wake up call really.
Planning on doing meat free spag bol for dinner tonight with side salad and then also planning on having some kale crisps as Tesco had big bags of prepped Kale for 80p. These can't be food abuse as it's with super free.

Really annoyed I can't find my chequebook as I had decided I was going to start paying for my countdowns with cheques as I never have time to go to a cash point (yet another reason I buy a countdown) and now I can't find it. I think i may have put it somewhere "safe" when I decided this but no idea where that is.
It was lovely Lisa - I meant to save a third and freeze it for a lunch but I dished it all up between me and OH as it was so nice and because I was hungry and regretted it a bit because despite being syn free and lots of super free in it, it was a massive portion and I was so full and maybe a giant helping of pasta was not the best meal the day before weigh in.

The scales had been showing a little loss despite my flexi syn night and lunch and pop chip incident but not this morning - whups. Oh well. I am just hoping I won't go out of this stone bracket now that i have finally officially got here.
EE Today
B: Porridge (HEB) and banana with cinnamon, punnet of raspberries
L: Salad with cucucmber and hummus and philli light (HEA)
D: Fish (no batter) half portion of chips (8.5 syns)

Punnet Strawberries
Maltersers (5 syns)

Total syns (13.5) May have some pop chips or maltesers after weigh in!
2.5 on - back to 24 exactly - jinxed myself a bit haha - was hoping it would just be 2 so I was still in the 23's but with 2 flexi syns and the pop chip incident I think I was kidding myself that it was ever going to be a loss. I know where it came from though so it's the least annoying type of gain - will have a good week and get back in the 23's next week!
Green day again

B: Porridge (HEB) and raspberries
L: Mug shot, carrot sticks and free hummus
D: B Free wrap pizza (HEB plus both HEA's)

Maltesers (5 syns)

I have decided I'm going to aim for my platinum body magic as I got a bit lazy after I got the other three. I was swimming three times a week before work and then it dropped to once after work and then fortnightly (though I did do lots of walking instead) but swimming is good for toning I got to the pool for 6:10 this morning and did 40 mins swimming (then had 10 mins in the jacuzzi as a reward for shifting myself out of bed.)

I have been meaning to restart it for ages but have been a bit paranoid that I would have a gain as you sometimes do right after starting exercise due to muscles retaining water but that is a silly thought as the health benefits of swimming/exercise outweigh any temporary blips on the scales!
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It's typical, that! Last week i went half a pound over my 4st lol..

I'm sure you'll do well this week though. :D And food is looking good. :) I may have to get some clemintines myself.. hmmm..
Mine are already peeled for me as my consultant did halloween snacks last night including these and not a lot of "pumpkins" got eaten so the social team split them up Tangerine-Pumpkins-and-Banana-Ghosts-2.jpg

Though speaking of the social team though I made a really big mistake yesterday and feel like a moron and so bad. I was doing pay which I normally do and the weigh person left after everyone got weighed but before image therapy so I put the new members through during group (which is normal but because the weight person had left, I switched over to weigh them in and just took the cards over and didn't take their money - my consultant had to message me on facebook after group to say one of them had texted to say she hadn't paid. I hope they are all wanting to come back and aren't people who just joined for the books as she will have to get the money off them next week and she will have to ring head office to explain. I shouldn't have tried to do two jobs at once but I feel really bad about it.
Have ended up switching to EE today as it was roast dinner in the canteen today which is the most slimming world friendly thing they do (apart from jacket potatos) so was unable to resist.

Had 2 slices roast beef, 3 new potatoes and cabbage with a half portion of gravy which I am going to count as 3 syns as it's 5 for 100ml if made with meat juices and I don't think I had over 50ml.