Spangly's tough love slim and save bootcamp!

I think anyone would be knackered with a commute like that. Working from home sounds like a good plan. Is it something you can do fairly regularly? And as for the weight, I think a third of your target in just two weeks means it's working!! Keep the faith and make sure you get your seaside trip in - looks like it's going to be lovely particularly on Sunday.

I'm just plodding on and seem to have avoided Friday Treat Syndrome. My goody bag arrived so I think it helped to know that if things got tough I could go and help myself to something from there. The big items are on standby until I reach the next 5kgs.

Also have another theatre night tonight which I'm looking forward to. I book a lot on the £10 and £12 deals and it's a better way to relax than with a takeaway.

My OH has been very good at not keeping food in the house but is going to buy a few bits and pieces to make life easier. I said he'd have to check what he was buying. I don't think I'd like to be left alone with a fridge full of trigger foods as he gets in later than me. He said 'I know you wouldn't crack but I think you'd be really resentful' I think that probably sums up the general state of mind while doing this!!!

TGI Friday and have a great weekend.
Well done Clinquant!

I'm feeling good today :) I went to roller derby training and looked a bit better than last week in my shorts - then I went for a jacuzzi at the gym and looked a lot better in my swim stuff than I did a few weeks ago when I last went. My stomach is noticeably smaller - whilst still being larger than I want it to be of course! The top I'm currently wearing is too big now and my jeans are starting to feel very slightly loose! I'm a happy bunny today!
I am here clinging on for dear life.......please grab me before I slip out of your reaches. Have been lost without getting on this forum all week. I cannot even report any weigh in because my scales are well and truly not working it is registering me as weighing more than when I started being 100% this time around and I know that cannot be true I have been so good. I am a serial daily weigher so it has been so so hard not to be able to weigh myself and see what I am losing. I must be losing surely I am being 100%. I think it is more the floor the scales are on rather than the scales but I am just not in a position with where we are currently living to weigh myself anywhere else for now. I need to order more packs and that means I am commited because I just don't have the money to spare currently but I have to do this and I know once I spend that money that I would be wasting my money if I don't stick to it 100%.
I still have 3 months till Christmas and I have a skirt that I want to get back into hanging up on the wardrobe door which I want to fit into on Christmas day so that is my big reminder at present.
Skinny Girl - sounds like you're having trouble. Are your clothes feeling loser? Have you measured? It may give you a better guide whilst weighing is difficult. Coud you perhaps weigh in Boots or something? We all know that sticking 100% means that it will be working for you but I can totally understand your frustration. Hang in there - it'll be worth it :)
Weasey - Measure myself what a brilliant idea....thank you, thank you, thank you I will do that, infact I will take measurements first thing in the morning. Also good idea about weighing in Boots once a week although I obviously won't be able to do my naked weigh in LOL I can wear the same clothes each time for consistency, yes I know I need to get a grip and not be so anal about weighing in. Clothes are not feeling loser yet and I just seem so bloated still. I have to stick to this it is the only way I can get back to goal and hopefully learn to stay at goal.
I'm bloated too and it's really got me down the past few days. I think something in the sns packs disagrees with me a bit. Am trying to see past the bloating to the fact this must be working but it's difficult. One of the things I loved about LL was the 'empty' feeling and my nice flatter stomach. Got neither just now! Also trying not to be discouraged by the fact there seems to be not limit to how quickly I can stack weight on, whereas there is a bodily limit to how fast I can shed it again lol.

Reminding myself to take one day at a time. Just need to keep the faith!

Must be doing something right as felt quite energetic yesterday and did loads of gardening and could have kept going. Never made it to my coastal walk though as hubby was dubious about the distance and accessibility and the weather. Maybe next week?

Hope everyone is hanging in there. Hope your weigh in at Boots goes well, skinny! And well done on a fab loss, clinquant!
Weasey - great on the clothes feeling loser and fitting better. That's what we are doing it for ultimately and feeling fitter. I agree the measuring is a great idea. I often found that the measurements went down when the scales didn't show much difference. I keep as many different stats going as possible on my geeky spreadsheet. That means that there is a possibility of some sort of milestone each week be it kgs, lbs, stones, or inches!!

Spangly keep going. I kept thinking this didn't work as well and I've ruined my metabolism but my losses over 3 weeks are exactly the same as the first time so it does feel predictable (I did have to get back to the same starting weight to prove this so I don't recommend it!)

I'm going to have to keep my head in the right place this week. It's my other half's birthday on Sunday and I originally said I would give this a month and eat then. I'm really committed to keep going until at least Christmas and he isn't putting any pressure on me to eat at all but the little voices are already there. I need to make sure I plan a really nice non food day.

Here's to another great week on plan whatever life throws at us. It is worth it.
Well, after my earlier post I've actually had to run to the loo several times (TMI) so i think i have a tummy bug, so have taken today off sick. Feeling guilty but also know it was the right thing to do. Don't think being stuck on the motorway or a commuter train would have worked very well today. Have just got rid of the one day of sick leave on my 12-month record and was back to zero! Oh well. One day isn't too bad i guess.
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Hope you're feeling better soon Spangly - keep up your water intake. At least it might explain the bloating you've been feeling.

Clinquant - You could always have a small <edit - removed food specific references!> or something like that. It would be yummy and decadant and not harm your diet...
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Hope you feel better soon, Spangly. I believe that sometimes when things our full on, our bodies create an excuse to be horizontal - take it easy. I think there is definitely something going round.

Weasey - those are exactly my thoughts and to be honest I am not sure I trust myself. I know it won't do any harm to my weight loss or take me out of ketosis, but at the moment the 100% is really working for me. This is how I did it the first time and it got me to goal. In my other attempts I did make exceptions for occasions and then found it harder to get back on. Realise it is all or nothing thinking but it feels as if I have such a long way to go and need to make it easier. I'll worry further down the line if I am being too rigid. I think I'm probably answering my own question here!
Sounds like you have answered your own question - stick to it 100%. I did that on my birthday. We were away in a hotel and I sat and watched my hubby eat in a restaurant whilst having only water and coffee!
Thanks for removing the food comment, weasey!! :-D

I think 100% is definitely easier than starting and stopping, clinquant. I've found this year so difficult, yo-yo-ing all over the place because of one planned lapse that turns into days which turns into weeks and months...

Tummy is feeling a bit better now than this morning. Will be back at work tomorrow (boo) but at least the time goes quicker there (well, apart from when I get bored...)

Still not convinced I'm losing any more. Guess my body has freaked out at losing so much in week one. It's very odd. I could swear I've not lost an ounce since last week (not weighed though).
I feel soooo much better today, thankfully. I think you're right, clinquant, and a large part of it was my body saying "stop!" I stuck to plan yesterday though regardless (gold star for me). Seems to be taking me a while to get fully into the zone this time around but I've decided that's ok. I don't feel "convinced" somehow - it's difficult to explain, but perhaps a bit of jaded-ness at doing this *again* or something. I spent some of yesterday reading low carb blogs again and thinking more about making low carb fun/exciting at the end of this stint of sns. I want to recapture my enthusiasm. I was such a zealot when I first discovered that there was such a thing as carb addiction, and that insulin makes you fat, not fat. I'm slowly re-reading things again and taking my time over it on this "cycle".

Being back at work today has actually been very positive. I wasn't looking forward to it but so far it's been a very constructive and positive morning, so I feel heaps better about that as well, which really helps.

This weekend my husband and I are doing a sponsored "wheel and walk" of 5k to mark the 60th anniversary of the MS Society. Not sure it will be very restful or relaxing for me (!) but it should be fun, and it will be good to get out and about.

Hope everyone else is sticking ok to plan.
Glad you are feeling better today. It sounds as if a lot of us are planning similar low carb ways of eating when we are done with this. I think this thread could definitely be a continued source of inspiration as long as you will wait for me to catch up (I'm going as fast as I can!!) I love all the reading and researching and am enjoying the freedom to do this while on packs. I think having the knowledge and applying it in a sensible 80:20 proportion as you said before might work.

I alternate between feeling jaded and close to the way I did it the first time. I pulled a lot of the stats together and found that each attempt got a bit shorter and a bit further away from 100%. I've been really trying to think about where I want to end up weight wise. I did get down to 72kgs before and I think that was too far and I didn't stay there for long. Somewhere between 80 and 90 was much more achievable, I stayed there for quite a long time and was healthy and fit. I've been looking at photos and that is where I looked best, although it is hard to be objective. I've set my interim goal as 99 kilos and given it a date of January rather than Christmas as that is where I want to be after, rather than reach my goal and then let it all go to pot over the holidays. Plenty of time to consider that I guess.

Really busy day at work. Tonight I have yoga and then my friend who is training to be a cranio sacral therapist is giving me a second treatment. I should be very relaxed tonight:)
All ticking along here not made it to the scales in Boots yet. I keep getting bad thoughts into my head about binging and starting again tomorrow but no I am sticking to it for now. I just feel so fragile and that I will fail on this. How I stayed so strong and never cheated last time for so long I never know. I constantly feel tempted to jack it all in but I must not. I have a skirt hanging up on the outside of my wardrobe that is miles off fitting me but am planning that by Christmas it will. That is only 13 weeks away and if I stick to this I could really be a totally different shape by then. I am just so thankful for this thread and although I don't feel like I am being very supportive to any of you because I am taking much more than I am giving but I hope when I am feeling more positive about it all that I can.
Hey Spangly!

Glad you're feeling better - never pleasant having an upset stomach, especially when your not eating fatty/spicy foods!! Almost makes you feel cheated as you don't get to enjoy the nice food first...
I know how you feel about being bloated/not feeling like your losing weight, but since we lose weight so quickly on these VLCD's it does take a while for your body to catch up. Cycling will definitely help though! But give it a bit longer, your body will catch up soon :) And if you think - you look at yourself in the mirror every single day so it's hard to notice the change, maybe take a weekly photo?
And low-carb sounds like a good option post-VLCD - i think i'll be joining you!

Hope you have a good week back at work, and good luck for the wheel and walk at the weekend!

H xx
Skinny girl - don't worry about taking vs giving - I find supporting other people really useful in getting me to think things through and setting my ideas on a better path. I honestly don't think I'd have been as successful on the diet had I not engaged so much on forums - both giving and receiving advice. Sometimes people say things that you don't want to hear - but maybe you need to hear. That's the kind of thing which knocks me out of my own twisted thinking and helps me to recognise it for what it is. Each and every person on this forum helps me with that and I really appreciate the support, advice and tough love!
Skinny girl I think you are probably already being more positive. Updating your signature with some goals is a good start, it shows that you are looking forward. Are you able to get to Boots soon? Most of us here seem to have got to goal in the past by being 100% and are really angry with ourselves to varying degrees about the regain. Having regained it all I feel I have a huge mountain to climb but I also think I have it easier than those of you with less to lose as I have been reminded of all the inconveniences and misery of being really big and that is a huge motivator. This is really hardcore - how many people have said to you that they couldn't do this. You have done and you can. Stick with it!!