Slim for summer
Hello squeeze, just read your diary so far, very inspiring, you really are a tough determined lady! Send some my way please!
This is my second shot at LT, I did it last year to lose weight for my for my wedding, but have regained the 2 stone I lost and gained another 1 1/2 stone on top of that, sooo depressing... basically I have pigged and binged for nigh on a year, so my own fault, you are so right about beating the food demons, and knowingyour emotional triggers etc, I use food as an excuse for everything enjoyment, depression, boredom, habit, social occasions.. the list goes on..
Any sensible person knows you can have treats in moderation, but its learning to control that , thats the hardest thing. My WORST food addiction is curry, my hubby and I go nearly every Sunday for a eat as much as you like buffet, its cheap and so delicious, and this is ultimatly what has caused me to regain all the weight, I can control most other foodstuffs, just not this one.
Last year whilst I was doing the plan, all I thought about was having a curry at the end of it, so not really beating that demon then! I got into my dress for my big day, then it was downhill from there, I have yo yo dieted all my life, I lose it, then celebrate by overeating again. I must have gained 2lb a week since last May
Im still struggling to imagine how im going to beat these addictions and demons... Im on day 3 now, and all good so far, but I know after a few weeks I will hit a standstill an will struggle to stay on plan {as last year} It just got so boring, but im going to use this forum a my support to keep me on track, something I didn't do before {just lurked}.
I congratulate you on your achievment so far , and look foward to catching up on your progress!
This is my second shot at LT, I did it last year to lose weight for my for my wedding, but have regained the 2 stone I lost and gained another 1 1/2 stone on top of that, sooo depressing... basically I have pigged and binged for nigh on a year, so my own fault, you are so right about beating the food demons, and knowingyour emotional triggers etc, I use food as an excuse for everything enjoyment, depression, boredom, habit, social occasions.. the list goes on..
Any sensible person knows you can have treats in moderation, but its learning to control that , thats the hardest thing. My WORST food addiction is curry, my hubby and I go nearly every Sunday for a eat as much as you like buffet, its cheap and so delicious, and this is ultimatly what has caused me to regain all the weight, I can control most other foodstuffs, just not this one.
Last year whilst I was doing the plan, all I thought about was having a curry at the end of it, so not really beating that demon then! I got into my dress for my big day, then it was downhill from there, I have yo yo dieted all my life, I lose it, then celebrate by overeating again. I must have gained 2lb a week since last May
I congratulate you on your achievment so far , and look foward to catching up on your progress!