wow thanks guys

I was gonna try to write a kind of generic 'thanks to all' message but you all deserve individual replies!
(in order no less

Jellie kellie..... thankyou for your lovely message. Forget the flase starts this year... this time is going to be success. The support and encouragement you will get on here will get you through all you weak moments and tough days. You are a similar weight to me and we have a long journey ahead but its so worth it, and we can do it. Im glad reading my diary has inspired you a little, thats what this forum is all about.. there is a couple of people on here that have made me confident of how possible it is and reading their diaries started me off on the right foot.. KNOWING it was possible to reach my goal.
Im sure we will get to know each other a little as you start your LT experience, you ever need any help or advice or just someone to chat to then ill be here

and thanks for your support on the hassle.. although iv had private message hassle from others too and its really uncalled for... but dont worry, none of it will make me leave this forum. I love being here offering support and getting it in return. its such a lovely network of people and nothing will overide the benefits of being here

anyway, keep me posted with how you get on in the first week! and keep the belief that you can do it hun

ok who next... erm...
wow vanessa! dont quite know how to reply lol. I appreciate your encouragement and positive comment enormously. Does feel a little odd as just a week or so ago you were very pi*sed off at me and accused me of making a number of derogatory comments against you which I massively object to as I would never speak of someone in such a way. But your support is taken with gratitude and am never someone to hold a grudge once effort is made to reconcile. I have already apologised that you took offense to my conversation with sandra, but once again I am sorry you felt that way and hope you can see it in the light that it was intended. And if you still feel some of my comments were derogatory please feel free to quote them so that I can try to see what upset you. But thanks for your support and yes I have lost inches despite the small loss
Cham... Thanks sweetie

I cant believe your tons skinnier than me but lost more! lols. same with my mum... she is 12st and doing LT with me... and she lost one more pound than me!! grrrr ha ha. We even exercise together and drink our shakes together.. i dont understand lol. But next week we will hopefully see better results

Jessie.... BLESS YOU!!! that was so sweet

you girls dont half know how to cheer me up

that rhyme totally encapsulated everything I needed to feel.. your a legend

your losses are great hun xxx
Sandra... thankyou

I totally respect all your input as you have been there done that!! lol. and you lost 2lb in your 3rd week as well. its disheartening. But it aint gonna beat me down! wtf indeed, but iv been 100% (apart from a tiny splash of lacto free milk in a tea when i had a very bad throat) so my body is just doing what it wants to do. I just have to keep at it and not lose focus. And yeh when i was on atkins I was chuffed as hell to lose 2 or 3 a week! xx

ha ha awww bless ya, I wont give in hun. even though my head told me to scoff a bag of haribo earlier while in poundland! tut naughty head. but you keep ME going so neither of us better fk up eh ha ha.thankyou for being so positive and like a ray of sunshine... keeps me smiling. I have now come to realise that 2lb is great in the whole scheme and yes i have measured and have lost five inches altogether.. an inch of my thighs... 2 off my waist, one off my hips, half off my neck and half off my chest. BRILL!!!

your the best xx
Molly.. thanks hun

yeh trying to keep the whole month and the target in mind... 17lbs in 3 weeks is awesome and I just need to stay focused on that. and i do keep trying on this size 18 pair of trousers and i can nearly do them up

yay! you are also someone I massively respect on here for your incredible determination and success.. so I really value your input thankyou
PHEWWW!!!! got through everyone
You are all amazing thankyou and hope you are all feeling strong, and positive about your own journeys. Thankfully now i feel fine about my 2lb loss and my smaller measurements prove that i HAVE lost weight.. iv just been exercising and building muscle I expect. Also that think about the cells filling with water to avoid shrinking too fast.. maybe that has played a part too. But all in all, feel good and ready to take on week 4! Gonna up my water intake as think the couple days that iv not drunk enough aint helped!! Bought a GORGEOUS size 12 dress today ( i have NEVER owned a dress lol) and cannot wait to fit into it. Iv bought so many clothes in smaller sizes and it really is helping me to focus on that goal.
So anyway big mwahs to all... couldnt do this without all you support

especially on days like today when a bit of a hit instantly made me want food.. seriously the bag of haribo in poundland was saying "squeeeeeeeeeeze... oi squeeze! im only a pound! and i would make you feel LOADS better... mmm come and eat me, you know you want to baby" lmao. But back to being all-powerful mind-defeating ass-kicking and stronger than ever