IM BACK!!! sorry guys I literally left the house at 8.30am and have not long been back.. absolutely non-stop all day!! kept hearing my iphone going off telling me i had replies on here and just didnt have time to check!! today was really hard actually... didnt get to have a shake until gone 1, and all the bacon, pasties, bakery bread and other yummy smells drove me flippin insane!!!! not like me to feel that weak but i coulda just stuffed my face with bacon bites and sausage rolls lol. DIDNT! but it was whirling round my mind!!! thankfully the chances of me ever actually ever messing up are next to none, but fighting the thoughts can be draining.
So ill get to replying to all my lovelies now

Abnid.... well done for getting so far!! i know you have been struggling to stick at it and im so proud of you!!! The tiredness is still getting to me too but Iv been in ketosis before and i KNOW it does get easier as your body gets totally used to fully relying on creating its own energy. So stick with it hun. And the reason week 3 is dreaded is because most people get a significantly lower loss. but its normal and its the right direction!!!
Cham well done on your loss chick!!! 2.5 for someone as small as you on week 3 is just awesome. Im a good few stone heavier than you and im only expecting 3lbs!! You should be really chuffed and proud of yourself for staying so strong and doing so well

Your a gorgeous lady, and you are gonna be a SKINNY gorgeous lady befire you know it!!!!
David... you share the same fear as me hun.. am worried only seeing a few lbs off this week will leave me feeling demotivated and crappy. But from now on our losses will be less each week but it will still balance out to at least a stone a month and so its all in the right direction!!! I have also had a day like yours today and can relate to suddenly feeling really obsessed with food. Hoping it was just a bad day cuz i couldnt put up with that all the time!! lol. Well done for getting to day 17 100%... its a tough journey but we are so getting there!!! x
Im gonna end by telling you all what I did to keep me motivated in case anyone else might benefit from it! I basically made myself a little chart/ticker/progress counter thingy. I drew a column and divided it into the amount of pounds i have to lose and marked off the stones. And i decorated it and coloured in the 15lbs iv lost. Seeing that portion of my journey already complete was like WOW and every week I will colour in the amount of lbs I have lost as a visual reminder of how well im doing. And i stuck it on the wall for all to see

It just really helps me and I thought it might be a nice idea to someone else too. no worries if not tho!! just thought id share it
Hope everyones feeling good and keeping strong!! really missed everyone today!!