Thought I better dust this off before it falls totally off the radar.
Diet wise - all good so far. Sts 2 weeks ago, lost 1lb last week and 4 - yes 4

this week, so all heading in the right direction.
Everything else wise.... bit up and down. Dads anniversary was hard, mum, Stuart and I coped in different ways leading up to it, but on the actual day we went to Seamill Hydro, we spent some time at the rose garden, where his rosebush is and had our thoughts then went for a really lovely lunch just the 3 of us. Its a definite advantage of having the commemorative rosebush there and not at the crematorium.
All the big changes at work came into effect on Feb 1st. Im now working with a whole new shift in the control room and all new shifts cop wise and were following a new shift pattern, so changes all round. The new shift pattern is great. Instead of working 7 days then having 2 or 3 days off, we do 3 or 4 days on then 2 or 3 off, much more civilised. Its been nice too the feedback weve had from the cops, ones who are working with us are delighted with the controllers they have and have said its widely agreed by Group 5 that Gp 5 control staff are the best ones

But more surprisingly other shifts have said theyre not happy because all the good controllers are on the one shift - so nice to be a wee bit well thought of lol
Ive had real problems sleeping recently which hasnt helped my general moods, I was at the docs today and hes increased the tablets Im on hoping thatll sort things out, rather than prescribe sleeping pills.
The other big change is Emma is changing schools. Shes always loved school until a few months ago and hasnt been keen on going. My brother finally got it out of her the other week, she was being picked on - by her teacher!!!! Her teacher is (was) an older woman who quite honestly seems to be on the verge of a breakdown. Shes ripped stuff off the wall and binned it, threw a box of pens across the room and gave Emma and 2 other girls a total rollicking for not doing their homework, despite the fact it was their first day back after being off sick. When Emma came back from being off she said to her 'Oh youre back, its been lovely and quiet when youve been off' A shocking thing to say to a 6 year old!! Emmas reading last year was miles ahead of the rest of the class but this teacher likes them all to work at the same rate so Emmas repeating last years work. Its really denting her confidence, in and out of school.
My sister in law went to see the head teacher, who quite honestly wasnt interested, even when she said they were considering removing Emma from school. That all changed when Stuart phoned to say they WERE taking her out and the next day would be her last day. Then she suggested a meeting with them, her and the teacher, and said they were maybe being too hasty. Too little too late, clearly she didnt believe they actually would remove her, and from what weve heard she wont be the last leaving.
Emma is SO excited about her new school. Shes been in and met her teacher, and her class and seen her desk and she starts on Thursday
My new flat is totally finished now too. Got my new fire last week, which looks fab.... Im still absolutely loving living here.
And that I think is the condensed version of the past 3 weeks - now to catch up on everyone elses news