Thanks guys. Still not been a great weekend, and now my study is over for the summer I have got back into my old cross stitching hobbies. Having seen the doc my dear boy is being referred to the paediatrician for possible epilepsy (something i don't think he has, but apparently some of the symptoms of his pupils dilating, eyes going up when he's half way through a sentence, then coming back down again when he either finishes the sentence or starts something else randomly could be epileptic). More likely, however, I think is bipolar mixed in with his (still suspected) aspergers. For example today he had done something wrong, and was told off, and went into one of his major tantrums for about 20 minutes. Afterwards he couldn't remember anything about the whole incident. He remembered what he'd done wrong, but the other 20 minutes were just blank to him. Will be interesting to hear what the paediatrian has to say.
Food wise this weekend: been bad. hardly eaten meals, but had loads of chocolate & alcohol. After my holiday next month I will have to give them up! Don't want to give up before cos I'd rather be free to enjoy my hols.
Will have to have a look at these Holland & Barratt vitamin B things. If it'll keep me off the anti-D's then all the better!
Hopefully next week will be better! I think I will have a go at restarting SW tomorrow as a trial run again. Hopefully it'll help me limit my choccie & cider intake!