Starting again for the last time! It's going to be a long journey!

Oh God I used to comfort eat and comfort smoke when I was cramming ... thankfully kicked the cigs years ago ... if only I could do the same with food

Weekend sounds like fun - my nephews all like moshi monsters - but Noah is still too young so I am clueless too

Hope you are sitting in the sun in a good place focused on your revision xxx
revision is going well. so far i haven't sworn or screamed anything about what the h**l is this on about! so i'm counting that as success. getting into the swing of things now. think i'm going to pinch some spinach for lunch (love the stuff, just don't have it often) :)
Update time:
1. tomorrow i will weigh in for first time in a few weeks - not expecting it to be great, but need to get back on track! my holiday is only 4 weeks away!
2. my exams are now done! hope i've done ok. results are out on my birthday, so they'd better be good!
3. my daughters operation went well yesterday, and she is home now 'resting and recovering', or trying to stay away from people with colds to stop risk of infection
4. my son's not been doing so well in school again lately, and not been great at home either. yesterday evening i got home 1 1/2 hours after bedtime to find him still up and being awkward, and my mother-in-law in tears. at wits end, so am taking him to the doctors next week to see if we can put him on meds to calm him down. not something i wanted to have to consider, but it's just got too much.
My daughter had her adenoids out. apparently she was very good, and went skipping along to the operating theatre! no fear in that child! :)

Well, i weighed in, and am back up to 22st 1lbs, so best get started again today!
school holidays in 2 weeks! and i'm not sure if that will mean more or less stress. the bad points are the kids will be around all the time, and i'll be pulling out my hair stopping them fighting, but the good points are, 1. not being called into school continually, 2. not having to be so rushed in the morning to get dressed, and 3. the prospect of having fun! having said that, with them getting 8 weeks this year, i'm not sure...
sts this week. not surprised. have not calorie counted or exercised, so i guess i should be glad i didn't gain! really struggling to get back on track. been feeling really low this week, and things have not been great with my son. Docs tonight with him. If something doesn't change soon i can see me back on anti-depressants, and that's the last thing i want right now. (especially as they had a significant contributing factor to my major weight gain of 7st in 2009)
any ideas how to regain weight loss enthusiasm? am considering going back to sw, but am still conflicted.
went to watch sports day at my kids school on weds, and one of my daughters classmates called me fat. it may be true, but still very hurtful.

sorry for being so down :(
:bighug:Wish I could help with finding your mojo for you but all I can say is keep trying. You only fail when you give up - while you're still trying you are still succeeding even if you are taking the scenic route. You know both CC'ing and SW work if you stick to the rules so I'd say go with whatever feels right for you and if need be change on a daily basis to suit your social life.

Re the depression I can't say for definite but for me I find a huge mood boost from using Holland & Barratt sublingual Vitamin B complex liquid every day, A sixty day bottle costs about £7.50 and if they're doing buy 1 get 1 half price it's even better, 4 mths for £12 ish. BTW the liquid is supposed to be absorbed vastly better than the tablets so I never get anything else. I ran out of it last yr and didn't bother getting any more for a few weeks and it was only when I was an emotional wreck that I made the connection and dashed out to get some and within a couple of weeks I was feeling better. It might be worth a try and it almost deffo won't make you gain weight.

Re your son be grateful it's only another week to go. :D

Keep your chin up hun. :D

Oh I would have been tempted to skelp the brats ar$e but that might be frowned upon. :D I think it reflects badly on the parents of said child but try not to let it get you down. :D You will be slim again one day and then wonder why it upset you. :D
Glad your daughter's op went well but sorry to hear you are having trouble with your son and feeling so low yourself :(

I think when you don't feel positive within yourself it is difficult to become/stay motivated to lose weight. If you are dead against trying anti-depressants again (which I understand, I am too!!) then the best advice I can give is to keep yourself busy and try to have as much fun as possible. Seems like pretty obvious advice but it works for me - if I feel gloomy and down, I try to surround myself with my friends,family,boyfriend and keep my mind pre-occupied on positive and therapeutic projects (for me it is creative writing or sewing!).

A stay the same is always welcome in my book. It is nowhere near as horrid as a gain but it is usually enough to set alarm bells ringing and force me to get my act together.

Good luck!!
Thanks guys. Still not been a great weekend, and now my study is over for the summer I have got back into my old cross stitching hobbies. Having seen the doc my dear boy is being referred to the paediatrician for possible epilepsy (something i don't think he has, but apparently some of the symptoms of his pupils dilating, eyes going up when he's half way through a sentence, then coming back down again when he either finishes the sentence or starts something else randomly could be epileptic). More likely, however, I think is bipolar mixed in with his (still suspected) aspergers. For example today he had done something wrong, and was told off, and went into one of his major tantrums for about 20 minutes. Afterwards he couldn't remember anything about the whole incident. He remembered what he'd done wrong, but the other 20 minutes were just blank to him. Will be interesting to hear what the paediatrian has to say.

Food wise this weekend: been bad. hardly eaten meals, but had loads of chocolate & alcohol. After my holiday next month I will have to give them up! Don't want to give up before cos I'd rather be free to enjoy my hols.

Will have to have a look at these Holland & Barratt vitamin B things. If it'll keep me off the anti-D's then all the better!

Hopefully next week will be better! I think I will have a go at restarting SW tomorrow as a trial run again. Hopefully it'll help me limit my choccie & cider intake!
:bighug:Hope the docs have something good to say about your son. Epilepsy sounds like a possibility to me cos it has a wide spectrum of symptoms and the thrashing about you see on telly is only a small part of it. The memory loss seems to be a common effect though and anyone who has it does seem to have blanks after an attack.

Good luck wit SW again hun - you know you can do it. :D

Deffo try the Vit B liquid cos even if it doesn't work for you you'll only have lost a few quid and just think what you'll have gained if it works for you too. :D
I didn't have a great night last night. Just really bad stomachache, and feeling sick, so didn't get alot of sleep! But feeling a little better now, though still not 100%. Personally I suspect IBS, but have never bothered to have it checked out. Just the effect of junk food and stress catching up with me!

Got some good news today though - my OU fees for the next academic year are being payed in full for me by SAAS, so that's a big relief!

So far today is going quite well, although to be fair all I've done so far is laundry and cross stitch! but I've not had any phone calls of problems at school, so :fingerscrossed: these last 4 days will go smoothly!
Great news about SAAS!

I keep forgetting today is Monday but yep, new week and another chance to try and be 100% (or as close as we can!) with this healthy eating malark! We can do it!! :D x
1 week into school holidays already! not been too bad so far, but diet has well and truly been thrown out of the window. going away next thursday, but thought i'd pop by and say i'm still alive! think i'm just going to wait until after my holiday to restart my diet, and try to give it a really good bash! Feeling somewhat bloated! oh, and SAAS stands for scottish academic awards for students (i think) -basicaslly it means they pay my OU fees for me! :D