Step 1 Sole Source Starting CWP today to save my health

Morning :)

First weigh in is on Tuesday. Fingers crossed!

The oriental chicken soup is the nicest I've tried so far. Chicken and mushroom is ok and tomato is vile!!

Might try a couple of the tetras when I stock up again this week.

I bought some ketosis sticks from the internet which indicate if you are in ketosis and how much. Dead easy to use and it's another bit of a motivator to know that things are happening!

Have a great Sunday x
Ahhhh loubaloo!! My weigh is Tuesdays :)

Eugh I hate the soups!!! I also brought ketostix online!!! I must say in the first week I became addicted to testing every loo break lol

Hope all is well with you all!!! Xxxx
Good luck ladies for Tuesday!

I wasn't given the ketosis tests, asked my consultant about them, but considering I'm on SS, it's not really with me getting them as there's not much else I can do to maintain ketosis :-/

Let me know how you get on Tuesday! It's come around quickly!!! X

Week One Weigh In -7lb
Thanks Vanessa. Yes weigh in is coming around quick. It all feels like it's going quick!! Can't wait get more tetras Tuesday :) ooooh and the bars!!! I've only ordered choc mint bars and lemon. May go for penut next week :) xxxx
I'm addicted to checking every time I go to the loo!!!

What are the bars like? Worried I'll snaffle it in two mins and still be hungry!
The joys of our loo trips haha. What we like!!!

Im getting the bars at my weigh in tomorrow :) so will update you!!

Hope your all having a fab day today. Xxx
Struggling today :-( Think it's because I haven't had first weigh in yet.
I keep thinking about toast and butter.....agh!!
I'm currently on day 3 of this Diet. Caved today and had 3 pieces of chicken (without skin) felt terrible after.
Just kept thinking how much I want to be health and could not believe I gave in.
I don't know how badly this is going to affect my ketosis and weigh in this Sat. "Sighh" defiantly not cheating again.
I am currently at 18stone 2lbs my goal weight is 10 stone.
Any strategies to not giving in to "The Food Monster" would be greatly appreciated.
Hiya innerme. In all honestly chicken is protein so shouldn't effect ketosis. I had a wobble on day 2. I think it's how guilty we feel after that makes us realise it's not worth it.

How are you finding the products? My start weight was 16st 1lb. I lost 9lb my first week. Been on antibiotics this week and can't for the life of me take them with water...I hate water. So ive given in to diet coke here and there. I don't think I've done good this week :( my weigh in is tomorrow so we will see

Are you still feeling hungry at all? I rarely feel hungry...proving I just ate when my stupid brain told me!!

Keep in touch. Nice to add more of us ladies to this thread and keep the support going!!

Hi innerme. Agree with spammie - it's protein so you should be fine. I've eaten too much protein today but better than chocolate!!

Good luck tomorrow spammie. Fingers crossed for us both!
Hiya spammie, checked this morning and am still in ketosis yay! As for the products the only thing I can eat and don't think is revolting so far are the porridges. The soups and shakes taste like the lipotrim products and make me feel sick. May try the ready made shakes for convenience and as I have heard they taste better.

Have you had your weigh in yet? Hope it goes well :)
Yey immerme!!!! My consultant was just tellin me about freezing a ready made shake!!!! It's Spose to be yummy. Had my weigh in.... Slightly disappointed...only 4lb loss. But that's 13lb in my first two weeks which means nearly a stone!!!! Yey!!! Would of been nice get my 1 stone magnet this week but never mind!!!

Vanessa you still around?

I've brought some water flavouring this week as I'm really struggling with water. Think that's what's held me bk on the loss this week.

Hope all you ladies are ok? Jus trecking up a steep road with my 14 tetras in tow!!! I will lose weight haha xxxx
Spammie not yet tried the Rice pudding may do that for next week. Might also try freezing the shakes. My Fave porridge is the Original. :)
Congrats on the Weight loss It will all add up and then you will look fab. I cant wait to reach end of week 2 so i can get some water flavouring at the momment water is tasting like metal (for me) anyone osle getting this?
Thanks innerme!!

I've had orange this week. I paid £7.25 for the tub but apparently it lasts ages!! Yes my mouth constantly tastes of metal. I tell my other half my mouth tastes rusty lol I'm
A fan of the rice pud. But not many ppl are.

Loubaloo hope weigh in has been fab today :)

What day is your weigh in, innerme? Xxxx
Weigh in is this Saturday trying to refrain from weighing myself constantly so I can be hopefully pleasantly surprised.
Thanks spammie. Wish you all the best . :)
Well done Spammie! Wow nearly a stone on two weeks!!! Can't wait to see what mine is Friday!

Don't know about you I've noticed a little bit of difference when putting my clothes. My jeans this weekend felt strange?! It's a subtle change , but it's a change in the right direction ;)

I'm still being good, I've not cheated at all on this diet. Must admit it's taking all my will power! I've been a right grump this week, I'm fed up with the taste in my mouth, also I'm missing an evening meal with the family. But hey ho, I got myself into this mess, and I'm going to get myself out of it, I've just got to deal with it


Week One Weigh In -7lb