I'm loving the gym at the moment, made friends with a bloke at work whose really into fitness and he's been helping with encouragement.
I think red days prob would be a good plan, will give it a go. I need to post more in the diary too as I'm Not keeping paper diary anymore. I'll just keep plodding on. I do feel better in myself for all the exercise, I definitely look more toned even if the scales aren't reflective of it.
I went to give blood on Wednesday for the first time in a year after a bad experience last year. the lady was so gentle and it felt like I was doing such a good thing. Definitely going to go again in 3 months.
I've also been trying really hard with my water intake, using an app called water balance to track my fluids. Aiming for 2.5L a day.
Today I've been to box fit circuits class which was so tough, it's the most unfit I've felt in years
motivated to carry on though.
Today's diary
B-2alpen lights and a banana
L-tuna and salad with 1 tbsp extra light mayo (0.5 syns) melon and grapes
S-danio yogurt (1.5 syns) Freddo (5 syns)
D-chilli and brown rice. Mini cornetto (6 syns)
13 syns