Sunday....perhaps time for a new diary?

Even some running up and down your stairs a few squat, situps, lunges - that could count - save you a trip to the gym if you are short on time???
We have set up a little gym at our house! Ok you have convinced me.

Too nervous to know what I weigh, haven't weighed in nearly 5 weeks eek!! Don't feel heavier or lighter, even though I've been reasonably good with food.
Well it's school holidays for 2 weeks. Off to Perth tomorrow for a week. And a little food binge today .... Aiming for a good week away and going to track.
minus 5!!! whoop whoop
Well done Alex, 5lbs is a good loss!!

Hey Bren.. hows you? x
Hey jaynef!

Alex that is fab! 5 lbs in your first week is brilliant.

Linz how are u travelling now after the surgery?

As for me, the wedding was great but must admit I was grumpy towards my mum who came up to stay with me and hubby at my nans but that's another story!

I'm thinking about jumping on the scales in the morning and making this second week of the holidays a positive start to a new regime of food and exercise. Actually thinking about going vegan for the week?!

Very scared of the scales I must admit. Should I just weigh or be good until Friday and WI then?

Advice please.

Bren x
weigh, then you know whether you need to go extreme vegan styley for the rest of the week
Your right. I get very anxious when I haven't been on them for a while it's been about 6 weeks at least.
Well I've lost .... 600gm. Very happy about that. I'm 167.83lb or 76.3 kg.
Hi Linz!

I havent been over to your diary but I do see that your BMI and losses are heading south babes. That's great.

I am going to just WI once a week now and not obsess or avoid.

Today has been a good day with the food, terrible with water though. However some sad news early this morning so emotionally it's going to be hard the next couple of weeks.

Off to bed now.

Once a week always the best!

How do I know? Well I've bloody broke my own rule haven't I? I had a cheeky jump on on Sunday morning and if my WI on Wed morning matches that I'd be doing cartwheels and most likely disappointed if it doesn't!

Can't sleep ATM, mind is running over time.
Going to do a little gardening this morning. Then clean the house this afternoon. And mark 3 folios for school tonight. Should all keep me busy and distracted.

Will be flying back to Perth next week for a funeral.

Just booked my flight home for my nan's funeral. She passed away suddenly. It seems very surreal given hubby, mum and I just spent the week staying at her house while we were in town for a friends wedding....