Obstacle number 1.........
Last minute, good friend driving a 2 hour drive to come see us. Wants to do Indian. So I'm pretty focused right now........ Do I let them just take it away and I'll munch on a tuna salad or do I order a chicken dish? Indian is my weak point along with malteesers and haribo. Thing is I want to be slim and at goal. This is the first time I've written in my diary about an obstacle to come perhaps I should do this more often and make a note so I can look back and see how ive handled it!
Bit annoying as I was all set to go buy a massive floor rug, coffee table and cushions and make my lounge all cosy. Guess that's for another day!
I wonder could I enjoy seeing others eating the Indian, for example, and enjoy the fact that I'm not!!???? Let's see xxx
for five mins of yummy food I get another day off the diet. Instead I could let those 5 mins go by SMS perhaps paint my nails instead. Talking out loud here, but I need to do this to stop myself eating. The second I go off plan I really go off plan. It's just food. The restaurant which I adore will still be there when I'm slim and at goal .
I'll be back later to note what I did. This could be fun. Slim slim slim. It's the people not the food.