Totally addicted to Supernatural as well (think i have replaced food with Jensen Ackles)
Have been watching season 2 on the irish channel tv3 but it just stopped showing the episodes a few weeks ago. Got as far as Episode 9 which ended on a big cliff hanger and if it wasnt for youtube I would be totally demented by now lol. Its a longshot asking this but does anybody know what tv3 are playing at and if the show is back on any time soon?
Sorry, I have absolutely no idea what tv3 are playing at... I just about know what the tv channels I watch are doing!! lol
I've been a naughty girl and have downloaded all the episodes shown in the US so far!
<<Sigh>> He is so delicious! We had a temp in registering yesterday, and apparently she's going to see him in May. Both he and Jared are doing a convention in Coventry!
No way, She is so lucky :jelous:
Might have to forget about all the exams I have in May and head over to Coventry & stalk them.
Still no sign of Season 2 back on telly so im still trying to catch the episodes on youtube during my lunch.
Been considering buying them of someone on ebay but ive been ripped of b4 so not sure if i should risk it.
Boss is bak Have to go & Pretend to b workin again
Lisa x
I missed this weeks episode! I mean, I've already watched it on my computer, but it's nice to see it on the proper screen as well! I wish it was repeated later in the week so I could record it!
Well I just watched episode 17 (series 2) and... <<gulp>> Well I cried a lot that's true but... <<double gulp>> I've seen Sam in a whole new light! He's... ummm... well... Let's just say, my dreams tonight? They're going to be sweet!!!