Jessica Rabbit72 said:hello stranger - long time no speak -
just popped in to lurk and saw your pics of your urticaria.
Ive had it too 2 bad doses lasting 6 months once 13yrs ago and then once 3 yrs ago .
Now bout of it 3 yrs ago alot easier to handle cos of knowing what it was but also treatment had changed. Dunno if this will work for you but apparently if you take a combination of antihistamine and rantitidine it works on the h1 and h2 receptors and gets rid of the rash (I know you are allergic to anti histamines so dont know if it would work because it may be the combination of them together but the ranitidine on its own may be enough to do the trick...... and better than steroids.
Mine was also stress related and I just wonder with all the stress going on with your boss whether that is contributing?
to make you feel a bit better piccies of my rash the day before i discvered rantitidine and I took it before bed and the following morning i was rash free - I was gob smacked - I now take ranitidne and loratidine daily and it keeps my symptoms at bay fingers crossed!
trying to upload pics but cant!
have a fab time and dont give the scales another thought!
nikki - your body is a demon! you should be a size zero on account of all the exercise you do.