Cheers Nikki, that's pretty much what I thought, I'm leaving it for now to see if they push any further, it's middle management that are the problem, my line manager is actually the same grade as me but he's a massive bully, I won't tolerate him but others are scared of him. I just recently found out he spies on us on FB. His life is THAT empty!! If I get any texts from him I'll be keeping them for if I need to take action.
The problem at work could be easily solved if he'd just man up and go to management and tell them about the crisis instead of trying to brush it under the carpet and hoping it goes away.
Sorry about my little work rant, it feels better to get it out of my system.
Looks like another long boring day ahead, I'm waiting for them to come and change my electricity meter, this will be the third time they're meant to have come to do it, it's the last time I'm waiting in for them (not that I have much choice this time lol)!