SW the Vegan or Vegetarian way....

even just eating less meat is a good thing so even if you do go back to eating meat you will probably naturally eat less!

I have occasionally posted on the runaholics one but now I have another half to train for in 10 weeks and a full marathon next april I should really join a challenge to keep me on track, which one are you on?

I have my eye on either of those or I've heard the oatly one is nice too - going to see what the big tesco superstore has in stock!! Hopefully they'll have one of them unlike the little one I went to last night :)

I am trying being vegan for a week after having a very naughty July. I wanted to do something to make me more conscious of what I'm eating and for a little challenge. Not quite for the same ethical reasons as other people, I have to admit. I guess I'll see how I feel, how I get on and take it from there?! Maybe the more ideas and things posted on here will inspire me to do it for longer!

Also, on a separate note... you mentioned running... there are a couple of running forums too under teams and challenges if you fancy joining one of those ;) xx
even just eating less meat is a good thing so even if you do go back to eating meat you will probably naturally eat less!

I have occasionally posted on the runaholics one but now I have another half to train for in 10 weeks and a full marathon next april I should really join a challenge to keep me on track, which one are you on?

I'm in both the runaholics and the august challenge :)

I did a half marathon yesterday, have another in mid-Sept then a marathon in April too!!! x
I don't know why I keep signing up for them but I do!! I did one in June which was far too hilly! how do you feel today after that?
I'm in both the runaholics and the august challenge :)

I did a half marathon yesterday, have another in mid-Sept then a marathon in April too!!! x
I think I had expectations of it being bacon tasting and it was a taste I wasn't prepared for, everytime I crave bacon I think of little chubby piglets and get the quorn sausages out instead and they always hit the spot!

Those Vega bars are actually nicer than a lot of normal choc x

on another note I saw about a minimins meet up in London-are any of you veggies/vegans planning on attending?

I liked the coco bacon in small pinches. Too much was over powering. Quite an interesting flavour though. I love those boxes for that exact reason, I would NEVER have tried that under any other circumstances! The vego bar was much nicer than standard choc. I have recently discovered that montezumas sea dog chocolate bar (lime and sea salt in 75% dark) is vegan. They are Brighton based so guess where I'll be going next time I'm in town....

I can't commit to weekend stuff like that because my husband works but from what I read they have changed it from London now anyway. A couple of is have discussed a Brighton beach bonanza picnic for the end of the summer too. When we manage to firm a date I'll post something :)

I wish my new box was here. I'm all excited and now I know others have it too I have people to compare it with. I come from a family of committed carnivores and my husband is under strict instruction that the contents are MINE! Haha.
That's loads better than a wok!

I KNOW! I'm still amazed. I had to buy a pan rack today as I didn't have room. The casserole dish doesn't even fit on it. Its 5l!


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Wow lots of posts!! I buy the Tesco free from medium cheese which is the nicest of the ones they sell in my opinion (it's basically repackaged Sheese) and costs less :) It melts really well and goes a bit crispy in the oven, very nice! The best cheeses I have found are Vegusto (new customers get a good deal from their website) but they are more expensive yet are very close to the real thing so I sometimes have it as a treat.

With regards to stock, I use Oxo vegetable cubes and with gravy I either make my own (special occasions) or buy Bisto, all the veggie ones are vegan. Label reading becomes much easier over time and you can spot nasties easily - most brands now label things like milk and it's proteins as an allergen and some brands make them bold to make it easier to read packages :) I do my food shop online with Tesco who also produce a vegan food list every 3 months on their real food website and that is sooo handy for Tesco own-brand products :)
Wish I had a large Tescos near me, the nearest one is miles out and the small one around the corner doesn't sell any veggie/vegan food as such only soy milk. In fact near me isn't very veggie friendly, near me I have a morrisons that has just reduced it's veggie section, a Lidls which doesn't sell a lot, an Iceland that does a couple of quorn products and a larger asda which is a couple of miles out but doesn't have the best selection of product either. I tend to use the asian supermarkets near me as they have quite a lot of veggie friendly products and they're cheaper too x
That's a good idea. I need to be bolder with my supermarket choices. I'm Aldi and sains all the way but it's just laziness and convenience. I may explore further afield....
The standard supermarkets here don't really cater well for veggies but as there is a very large asian community in Leeds there are loads of asian shops and supermarkets everywhere that sell fruit & veg some of them I've never seen before. They also sell the biggest range of beans, lentils and pulses I've ever seen cheap and spices at a fraction of the price. If you read the labels a lot of the halal foods are veggie/vegan friendly like their jellies x
Unfortunately we don't have as much choice down in Brighton. I'm getting on google to see what's local :)
Not great photos - sorry!! I topped it with lasagne sheets too then cheese to give it a nice crispy topping.

It was the Tesco "free from" soya medium cheese and melted really well. i didn't really like the taste though... It was quite sweet?!


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Not great photos - sorry!! I topped it with lasagne sheets too then cheese to give it a nice crispy topping.

It was the Tesco "free from" soya medium cheese and melted really well. i didn't really like the taste though... It was quite sweet?!

That looks yum! I wonder if the strong one might be better for you? I wasn't too keen on it and thought it tasted less like cheese but everyone's different :) How are you finding it?
So glad I found this forum!
Im on my 3rd week of slimming world and have been a lacto-vegetarian for 1.5yrs for ethical reasons. I have attempted veganism a good 5times but also given in because I rely on eggs quite a lot, haven't found any vegan yogurts I like or vegan milk which still tastes like cows milk in tea. The idea of dairy farming really repulses me but I cant seem to make the shift once and for all :( any tips?!
Have you tried "no eggs" and "vegg"? The vegg has more of an egg taste but the no egg is good for baking and cooking with. I used to use the vegg with tofu to make scrambled vegg or you can make a runny yolk with it to go with chips or a breakfast x
That looks yum! I wonder if the strong one might be better for you? I wasn't too keen on it and thought it tasted less like cheese but everyone's different :) How are you finding it?

They didn't have the strong one or I def would have picked that one up - love strong cheese!

Finding it absolutely fine, getting into the swing of it now. Everytime I see food/recipes I'm naturally trying to think of a way to vegan-ise it! Not missing a thing :) My boyfriend was even making bacon and eggs with a cream cheese bagel today for breakfast and I wasn't even a little bit jealous. I think because I have been so fixed on doing it, nothing will distract me.

I hope pickled onions are vegan friendly as I have been munching away at them this morning!!! xx
you seem to be coping really well with it, my OH eats a bacon butty every weekend plus I make him ham sandwiches for his pack up each day and it was hard at first but gets easier.

Pickled onions are fine thank god! there is a list on internet somewhere of accidental vegan foods so things that were not intentionally designed to be vegan but are, things such as oreos and those bacon bits for a salad!

They didn't have the strong one or I def would have picked that one up - love strong cheese!

Finding it absolutely fine, getting into the swing of it now. Everytime I see food/recipes I'm naturally trying to think of a way to vegan-ise it! Not missing a thing :) My boyfriend was even making bacon and eggs with a cream cheese bagel today for breakfast and I wasn't even a little bit jealous. I think because I have been so fixed on doing it, nothing will distract me.

I hope pickled onions are vegan friendly as I have been munching away at them this morning!!! xx
So glad I found this forum!
Im on my 3rd week of slimming world and have been a lacto-vegetarian for 1.5yrs for ethical reasons. I have attempted veganism a good 5times but also given in because I rely on eggs quite a lot, haven't found any vegan yogurts I like or vegan milk which still tastes like cows milk in tea. The idea of dairy farming really repulses me but I cant seem to make the shift once and for all :( any tips?!

I gave up milk by giving up standard tea. I gradually increased my green tea intake until I was down to one cup of normal tea a day then just stopped one day. With all the flavours of green tea (and mint tea) available it wasn't as much of a wrench as I thought.
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That looks goooood! The choc and strawberries in particular!
Another veggie here :).. I hate mushrooms, tend to live on tinned tomatoes, and love cheese!! Fab thread! Great to get some new ideas and discussion xx