I popped it on high at around 6.30pm without the beans... then added the beans at about 8.30pm after my spin class... kept it on high until about 1.30am then came downstairs and turned it off. Not sure about liquid as I was half asleep but will check tonight and report back!
I started on Tuesday so doing it until at least Monday next week. I'll post my last couple of days below... syn values are in brackets
Thursday 7th August - Green
B - porridge and banana
L - tabbouleh (2 for EV oil)
D - veg and bean chilli
Snacks - vegan choc rice pudding, strawberries, melon, homemade vegan air popped salty popcorn at the cinema (6)
HExA - choc rice milk / vegan milk for coffees
HExB - 35g porridge oats / not sure what else to have, maybe almonds?!
Syns - 8
Wednesday 6th August - Green
B - porridge and banana
L - tabbouleh (2 for EV olive oil) with lettuce wraps
D - JP, beans and 2 x linda mccartney red onion and rosemary sausages
Snacks - apple, trail mix (?), pickled onions, fruit salad of melon/strawbs/bloobs/raspbs, 4 x dark choc rice cake thins (11)
HExA - KoKo milk / tesco free from choc and coconut milk
HExB - 35g porridge / tweak to count the trail mix?
Syns - 13
Tuesday 5th August - Green
B - Porridge
L - Kale tabbouleh (kale, pomegranate, mint, parsley, quinoa, bulghar wheat, cucumber, tomato, spring onions, lemon zest, lemon juice and EV olive oil)
D - Baked bean lasagne and salad
Snacks - 2 x clementines, cocoa orange nakd bar (7), frozen banana dipped in dark choc and flaked almonds (7/8?)
HExA - coconut milk / tesco free from hard cheese
HExB - 35g porridge oats / EV olive oil
Syns - 15