Jamesy Wamesy
Full Member
As long as it pays the bills I suppose lol
I'm in Birmingham
I'm in Birmingham
My OH is fed up of her job but pays the bills lol
Ahhhh what does she do?
She's a nursery nurse but she's been there 6 years so think she wants a change, she would like to a teaching assistant but not alot of those jobs come available here lol must be the perks lol
Fingers crossed, think she might come out of care all together, lets face it she will always have her qualifications so could get back in quite easily. Shame really cause she's really good at her job, she left and her manager held her job for her in hope she would go back, and she did lol
Well I say held her job, Meg left then rang her manager saying she hated her new job and wanted to come back and her manager said yes straight away lol think they'd already found someone else and had to let them down unfortunately
Decided to leave the run today, legs are killing and iv got to go out leafleting with the boss so I suppose that'll be a workout if I walk fast lol
Haha I am having a 2hr swimming session 8-10 Sunday morning so give me credit for that?
I do need to be more strict on my exercising though, my diet is going really well for once but in letting my running slack abit
I'm Not really one to talk lol, I don't do any official exercise but I did clock up 26000 Steps/10 Miles walking yesterday!!! X
Morning! How are we all? What are we eating today???
Wow 10miles walking, I should get a pedometer be interesting to see how far I walk a day, don't think it'll be too far as my job is only really driving from house to house and walking around it so not that many steps lol
Morning Misslol
Iv had fruit and fibre cereal for brekkie with banana and sultanas (seems to be my favourite at the minute)
I've got vegetable soup with brown bread for lunch
Not sure on dinner yet
Mmmmmm I miss cereal so much!! Stupid holiday diet!!!I'm sooooo jealous x
I think you'd be surprised how many you actually do. Hope everyone has a good day. We've just set off, looking at about a 6 hour drive home excluding stops.x
Bleurghhhh to the 6 hour drive, hope it goes quickly got you x