~*~ Tanya's Maint Diary 2 ~*~ Fresh!

glad ot hear you have had some good news tanya, good luck with getting back on track and congrats with the weight loss.
Glad you had a good time Tanya. Well done on the small win at the races, makes it all worthwhile girl.

mary you look great in your pic.
:) :)
tuesday 23rd march

B- banana, nutrigrain.

*packet cheese doritos
*packet skittles

L- Tuna & light seafood sauce sub roll. 1 ww clemintine yog. 1 hob nob biccie, 1 mr kipling almond slice - along with a handfull of almonds. 1 stick of time out. :sigh: binge :doh:

*2 slices of ham, 1 packet of s&v walkers with left over salsa
*2 jaffa cakes

D- I made cottage pie with turkey mince and sweet potato on top :drool: (my dad even liked this - even though i made his with normal pots lol)

*red grapes

hi summergurl, what an amazing transformation. you look amazing.
well done
:) :)
Tanya, you have lots of good things happening for you right now. Enjoy it all. Good for you, Dad and Bro.
Wednesday 24th March

B- banana & nutrigrain & apple

*2 slices chicken roll & 2 spoonfulls of cottage pie mince (this was straight from when i got home from the gym at 1:15)

L- Gammon round, cooked veg & tinned pots :sigh: (i did make sweet pot chips but left them in the oven too long and they burnt... :() ww toffee yog.

D- probably nothing although i am craving cereal .......... :giggle: Ok, so i had 2!!! bowls of the co-op's version of special k and skimmed milk! :drool: divine!

*1 litre water
*1 small glass diet lemonade with raspberry flavouring


*2 mile run - took me 29mins 50secs!

I ran that whole time. I intended on just doing 20mins running but i saw that i had done a mile by 15mins so i thought why not make it 2! So glad I did. I feel tip top. Although my shorts have rubbed the inside of my leg :doh:

*ran down 350 stairs & back up 350 stairs at work during my breaks :)
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of forgot to mention my break time stair running at work!!!!

i ran down 350 stairs and back up 350 stairs! :D :D
Go you, well done. I think it helps a lot if we can get some exercise into our lifestyle. I for one could be doing with a kick up the backside in regards to exercise, I am just so not turned on by exercising. I do love the wii fit though.
I am feeling it today - my back is in agony - i cant think of anything other than the running that has caused it :sigh:

So no exercise today bar some steps. Back to running tomorrow and saturday.

Thursday 25th March

B- banana & nutrigrain

*apple & tracker bar
*1 slice chicken roll & 4 slices polony

L- Big bowl of special k and skimmed milk

*1 mr kipling classic lemon cake
*1 slice of cheese
*1 packet ready salted walkers

D- cheese, tomato & onion omelette. 2 chocolate hob nobs.

*1 litre water
*1 small glass diet lemonade with raspberry flavouring
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Friday 26th March

B- banana & nutrigrain

*1 mini carrot cake
*1 raspberry & coconut sponge slice thingy
(Easter raffle day in work and one lady on my team bakes cakes and sells them for days like this and they are divine - i just couldnt resist! :drool: :giggle:)

L- 1 gammon round. 1 small rasher of bacon. 1 small baked spud (6oz) & 2 carrots cut into quarters and roasted with half an onion and a garlic clove cut in half (of which i ate 4 of the bulbs!) with a drizzle of olive oil s&p.

*3 squares galaxy bubbles (brother had the other 2 hehe)
*1 slice of cheese & 1 packet of monster munch crisp

D- Cereal

*1 litre water
*small glass diet lemonade with raspberry


*30 minutes non stop running on tredmill (speed 6.6)
*walked down 280 steps & up 280 steps
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Ah mary i dont know how you are managing to still read and reply to our maint diaries!! Talk about will power! :giggle:


Saturday 27th March

B- banana & nutrigrain bar

*Apple & tracker bar

L- egg & ham sandwich on wholemeal bread with a little salad cream. packet wotsits & lf yog.

*handfull of chilli doritos
*cheese triangle, slice of cheese
*mr kipling lemon classic mini cake

D- 2 cod cakes with southern fried oven chips and garden peas with some red sauce & salad cream & vinegar.

*500ml water
*1 bottle rose wine
*few v&c's


*30mins running non stop on the tredmill (speed 6.6, last 1.5mins 6.7)


Very proud of myself today for going to the gym on a saturday and for not pigging myself out in the mornings like i have done for the past god knows how many saturdays! :D by midday i wouldve had atleast 1 packet crisp and some chocolate but today i havnt - i didnt even take any to work which i am proud of. i know thats a little sad lol

Although i have bought a bottle of rose to have tonight :giggle:

Also, today was the last of my early shift. I start nights from next week, 1am - 6am! :eek:

edit: so drank the bottle of wine, had my dinner :drool: loved the cod cakes, only 185 cals for 2! scrummy! Have bunged some braising steak, carrots & potatoes with onion gravy, tinned toms and some soy sauce, dried mixed herbs s&p and oxo cube in the slow cooker in prep for tomorrows lunch. Will start that before i go to bed.

Mum and dad are down the caravan - start of the season so just me, bf and little bro at home so will do us all nice for lunch :)

Anyways, enough rambling. :D xxx
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I am impressed Tanya, it just takes getting out of a habit and you have certainly done that today.

Reading the diaries are great, I love to think about food (sadist lol). Only a couple of weeks and I will be refeeding anyway, but I might have a treat on my 4 days off and have some steamed fish and green beans for supper one night.

Hey, welcome to the nightshift club, you can join me and Jan if you have internet access.
I have internet on my phone so will defo be joining you two!!!

Im a little aprehensive (sp?) but for the same amount of hours a week (25) but atleast £100 extra i had to take it i couldnt turn it down. Im such an early burd i love mornings so i think i am going to struggle but i guess it will take some getting used to.

Its weird, ive broken the morning habbit of munch on the last saturday morning i will do! lol

Oh, what 4 days off are you on about?

Im going on exante after paris and thinking of having a few days off in may for my best mates birthday as i missed it last year due to tfr and dont wana miss it again.

Was thinking 3 weeks tfr then 2 weeks refeed with alcohol on day 6 of refeed as i have done the last 2 times lol
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Thats just my shifts Tanya, I do 2 twelve hour days, then 2 twelve hour nights, then 4 days off. I love the shift pattern, its great to have time off during the week sometimes to catch up with everything that needs doing.

What is exante? Is that meal replacement too?
Yeah exante is a tfr too but for 4 weeks worth it is just over £99 which is like almost £50 cheaper than lt so have to do that as i need all the money i can get right now.

Starting exante on the 13th april for 3 weeks actually really looking forward to it.

Although now i have made my mind up about it im a little relaxed over food but i still know deep down i cant be as i have Paris on the 6th for 4 days but i still determined to be as good as i can be untill then for damage control! :D xxx
You will get there Tanya, its just finding that balance between the stuff thats good for you and the stuff thats not so good.

I regret in a way that I stopped smoking (especially now that I am smoking again) because I was maintaining really well until then. But hey ho huh!