Thanks curly, didnt do much as were working and were off to Paris on tuesday!
So this morning got home from work went asda and then into town. Didnt get home untill 11am ... much later than i anticipated. Didnt settle down to sleep untill 2pm, its now 5:30 so not much sleep at all today. Think an early night to get me back into day routine for my week off is in order! :giggle:
Friday 2nd April
*half a chocolate easter egg & half a pack of rolos shared with the bf in bed (PIG YES!!! LOL)
B- 2 slices wholemeal toast with utterly butterly (allisons loaf :drool

Have yous lot seen some of the comments ive been recieving over on the TFR board? What the hell has happened over there since we left?! :giggle:
Im offering advice and opinions from my experience but get it thrown back in my face. I give up. Screw that board!!

Not good especially when your tired too :sigh: