Tanya's Refeed Diary!! ~* Back On TFR *~

Carlos i am not refeeding anymore as i am back on tfr but have a goose through some of the other diaries on here :)

Weigh in 2!!!

Well guys, today is weigh in day and i have lost 4.5lbs!!! Over the moon!

Thats now 1st in 2 weeks and im just 3lbs off losing all my holiday weight!

Just 1st 13lbs till goal :D xx
Fanks mary :D x
Hi Tanya,
well done to you almost all holiday weight gone and you will be well on your way to getting to your goal next week. Wishing you all the best.
fanks doirin - im hoping for 3lbs next week then thats all my hols weight gone - but i will be happy with 2 :giggle: x
wow thats brillant well done i really admire the way you could do tfr again, fair play to you!

Thanks nic :)

Well tomorrow is the day - the day i become officially a working person, no more being classed as a student :cry:

I am very very upset about leaving this part of my life behind, i spent 4 years working for my degree, something i should have never got but luckily the uni admin clicked the wrong button and said yes when it shouldve been a no when it came to getting my place at uni (i didnt get very good a-levels).

Ok, it took me a year longer than most for my course as i had to repeat 1 module for a whole year :sigh: LOL but i got there.

Now usually at some sort of celebration i'd want to drink and eat but i made the decision to be back on TFR at the beg of sept and im sticking with it. So here is my confession; I did think about having the day off to be able to eat with my family as some are travelling down for my ceremony but then i realised i dont need the food, its about the company and who i spend this day with.

i've been in the kitchen since half 9 this morning and have made a cheese and tomatoe quiche, a bacon, ham and sausage quiche, a victoria sponge and 18!!!! chocolate chip muffins. ---- I dont wana eat that and jeopardise myself this week, noooo wayyy!! My family can eat it and put on the weight im guna lose!! :giggle:

Expect lots of pics tomorrow evening at some point of me looking silly in the traditional graduation atire :p

So my confession isnt really a bad one, just that i contemplated eating tomorrow but have decided against it - i cant believe i even contemplated it but hey ho we are not all perfect all of the time! :giggle:
GASP!!! Tanya thought about eating!!! What is the world coming too!?!?!
Only kidding- have a great day tomorrow, you'll look fabulous and remember the good things people will be saying about you. Take loads of pics & show us how great you looked!
LOL irish ... i felt so guilty about even contemplating it!!!!

but omg guys! i cant belive it!
Litterally had £30 left in my bank for the month so decided to play £20 of that on bingo and i just won £521!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant stop jumping for joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think they mustve knew it was my graduation tomorrow and decided to reward me! :giggle:
Hi Tanya,
best of luck at your graduation tomorrow and well done for all that cooking and no eating. You are rigth the company is what matters. Wow a big win on bingo!!
Have a great day.
YOU LUCKY THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DRINKS ARE ON YOU!!!!!!!!

Now being the sensible, level-headed, motherly person that I am I should admonish you seriously for risking 2/3rds of you total bank balance but hey girl WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):)

As you can't celebrate 'properly' I may have to raise a glass in your honour ;) .....

Great news about your loss too - you're going great guns. And I hope you have a FAB day tomorrow, can't wait to see the pics xxx
:giggle: i wondered who'd be first for telling me off for using that much of all i had left :giggle: the risk paid off though didnt it!! :D

Im jealous you can toast me jan .... i shall have to wait and toast it when i am a super slim moo! :D xx
Well done on the re-feed. It is my first day of refeed today. Can I just ask, i was under the impression that only green veg are allowed on first few days of refeed, due to higher carb content of root veg. i stuck with broc and green beans. I was desperate for some carrots!
Also , the first few salads are peppers, celery , lettuce, onions and beansprouts.
It may be that my info is old.
Does anyone know for definite?

Ps coffee with milk again , delish!
Im with Jan on this one - using all that money with so LITTLE left in the bank - luckily it paid off for you this time, but dont think it will happen ALL the time though.

Ok, nag over lol.

Have a brilliant graduation day and congratulations on the BINGO WIN.......lol
hahaaa maybe it was a bit rash but payday is next wed and i have nothing to buy between now and then so what the hell! :giggle:

Linz have a goose at the refeed sticky for info as im not refeeding anymore ... i dont have the refeed stuff to hand but i should be able to get it for you tomorrow evening at some point :)
Good Luck today Tanya!!! Thinking of you & hope all goes well?
ahhh today is the day!!
i am very nervous and sad but also excited and happy!! :( :)