Aw Tanya.....firstly, you are ANYTHING but a failure, far from it! You have just graduated and are a clever girl. Secondly, you did amazingly well on TFR the first time, what failure ?????
You struggled with your binges, but I think that was more the fact you were going from one holiday/weekend away, another so your mind wasnt totally focussed. I am sure of it. I dont think it was the fact that you dont have any self control with food!
I am with Nicola on this too...only you can make your mind up! Listen, my initial goal was to do TFR till I got to 10 stone, but after a week of real mind wrestling, I knew that I had to come off it. I certainly didnt feel a failure about it....who said that TFR is the yardstick for being a success or a failure????? Only, come on my wee pal Tanya, look at what you have achieved.
Maybe at this minute you need mini goals, and I dont think you are a failure if you decide the goalpost has changed either.
LT is great for speed, but I have come to realise that it is only us that put pressure on ourselve...if you do want to come off TFR and lose it healthily then so be it and it will take you longer...but what is the hurry anyway???
Sorry I am waffling, but I am just kinda giving you a bit of an insight into what I felt too at the same cross roads as you.
You decide sweetie; take all the advice, but as Doirin said to me, the answer lies only with me....and that is the same with you.
Whatever you decide you are a success!!!!!!!
Take care and let us all know how you are doing and getting on.
Could be just one of those days