Taz's diary - Need to do this!

You know I didn't say that Taz - Now stop it and start believing in YOU cos yer werf it x
Morning Jim. We don't usually see you here on a weekend!

Morning Taz, ah well things have changed now I'm retired, I'm not on the computer all day at work so I just log on when I feel like it love :)
Oooh that's good then Jim!

I never went away Nomad, I'm still here.

I had a bad bout of insomnia last night. I had to phone in sick to work at gone 11pm as I was supposed to be getting up at 2am. As it turned out I got to sleep sometime after 2am and woke again at half 5. We have got environmental health coming back for another inspection this afternoon and I think the stress of it all is what stopped me from sleeping. Really annoyed that I had to go sick :(
Environmental health? why Taz
Ah right, I understand love
Soooooo it seems the ******* upstairs knows how to play the system! This is just dragging on and on and I am so fed up of it. We now have to wait even longer for anything to get done as he has employed some stalling tactics. I have been in touch with solicitors and they are calling me back tomorrow evening
Oh Taz I really hate w*****s that know how to play the system.

I really hope the solicitor has some good news for you tomorrow.

In the meantime I'll send some :hug99: to keep you going. x
What an idiot that guy is! Its affecting your health - this is a serious problem! x

Jim - For some reason I thought your retirement was a little further down the track - that came round quickly x
Hmm, strong arm tactics needed there Taz.

Gem, I've been thinking about it for a long time and then decided why put it off love