Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Hi Taz - hope today has been a good one x
I know its hard for you at the moment Taz - its a shame you can't get a few days away from it all x
Sore subject Gem. We have a weekend away booked but we will have to cancel it now as we can't leave the place unattended :(
Morning Taz, that's a shame love
Unfair is an understatement! :( Did you not have any luck with the solicitor? x :hug99:
Nope! They said we can go to court to get an order ourselves to make him fix it but that would be at our own expense and would cost upward of £600. If we can prove that the situation has affected our health we can take him to small claims for that but that could be too hard to prove. So basically we are stuck!
Will your insurance company pay and claim from his?

I hope your day is a good one Taz - despite the obvious problems x
Morning Taz, that sounds like a reall mess to me love
I have just been to the doctors because I have had trouble breathing for the last few weeks and today it has been accompanied by a cough! I was thinking that maybe the mould was getting into my lungs but apparently the effect of mould isn't lasting, it's only while you are in the room with it so that's ruled out. The doctor did say that it could be related to stress so I have got a peak flow meter and have to monitor my results 3 times a day to see if it's worse at any time or if it gets worse or improves. Just more hassle but there ya go!
Taz - that sounds awful. I hope theres nothing nasty in the ceiling materials! x
Well my first peak flow wasn't so good :( I managed to blow 400 at the doctors yesterday which is what I should be aiming for but I could only get to 360 this morning (and I tried more than the best of 3!)

On a lighter note............

2lb lighter
Did you blow it away Taz? Well done you - that's much better than I did x