Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Morning all, well first job of the day was a lie in! With that done and a disappointing WI (STS) I am now considering breakfast. I have to pick a parcel up from the post office so I may go to Subway. It would be rude to pass and not go in!!!
LOL, I like that Taz, I haven't had a sub in years and years, and that was in Canada
Is the ecoli issue really such a problem in Europe? My hubby told me about it and has said that with three cases in the U.S. he is not going to Subway for sometime... I don't know because I like to go for a 6" a couple of times a month!

Have a lovely day!
I don't really know much about it, just saw something on facebook about ecoli and salad but to be honest it only takes a few cases to cause an outcry. If we believe everything we see/hear on the news we would never eat/drink/breathe again!
There is always hype and scare mongering and before we know it they have solved the problem and everyone is justifying fry ups because they are 'safe'!
Morning Nomad. Another day of work for me :( Yesterday was a result though, I had my job changed which resulted in 2 hours work followed by a 2 hour break, then another hour of work followed by a 2 hour early finish! No such luck today though, and working through to Saturday. Have a good Sunday everyone x
There's not a huge amount of work today but a long one, wont get home til about 6pm :( the work will probably be intensive but not constant. Short day tomorrow to make up for it :D
Have a good day Taz - I hope it passes quickly and you can have a nice relaxing evening x
What evening Gem??? I didn't finish til gone 5pm and back in at 5.30 this morning. As Sunday is cleaning day here I came home, had dinner then got on with my chores then straight to bed :( I finish at 12.30 today though so not so bad