Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Mornin' Taz x
Mornin' Nomad x
Afternoon everyone! Sorry I didn't visit yesterday, the day just seemed to have disappeared! After working a late shift (the first in 3 years) on Sunday I woke at 6am and watched tv for a while. I visited my local Subway (don't want them going bust!) then came home to start on the marathon wrapping session. After about 4 hours I realised that the stockings are sadly lacking so about 4pm I went in search of stocking fillers which proved fruitless. I am totally lacking in inspiration this year :( When I went out I left piles of unwrapped presents still waiting. That will be todays mission as well as doing the washing up, watching some tv and this evening I have to go to the fat farm to see how bad I've been this week :D

I am now working on Friday which is good cus I will need the extra cash when I get paid next month. I am also hoping to work on Saturday and Sunday too but I will have to wait and see on those ones. So I have a few days this week then 3 weeks off :D

There is a provisional plan to go to the spa on Thursday which will be great but it's a costly trip so I'm in 2 minds about it. I absolutely love it there and as I can't go to my friends birthday on Friday she wants us to go there the day before instead. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can justify the expense so close to christmas when I still have to get her a present as well :( I am leaving the decision to her, if she says it's on we will go but if not I can go in the new year.

Have a good day everyone
Hope it works out OK for you Taz x
Well what a productive day I've had! All worked out well indeed Gem. I not only got work for Saturday but I had a call this afternoon asking if I can work on Thursday. It's one of my favourite jobs (controversially, also the job that always seems to go wrong!) so I agreed and this also solves the dilemma of the spa trip! I also managed to complete the stockings thanks to my favourite online store so I just have to wait for that to be delivered and it's all done! All other presents are now wrapped and under the tree. Apart from my dads. I have something for him but really need to find something else to go with it. He is so difficult to buy for :(
Hi Taz, well done on the productive day. Dad's are so difficult to buy for aren't they? You could have said that going to the spa with your friend was her Christmas present, I know you don't need to worry about it now. Well done on the extra hours, its always good! Enjoy your evening xx
Morning Taz, this dad is easy to buy for, Amazon book vouchers every time :)
That's a great idea Jim - I'd never thought of Amazon vouchers x
yes girls, it means I can load my kindle up with new books :)
Oh good, I'm pleased to hear that Taz. :)
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Why didn't I think of that one - could've solved a few problems x
Ah yes, another trick I was missing - I should have asked Chris De Burgh to do all my christmas shopping!!! ha ha