Spam Hunter
Well hello! Sorry for my absence< i seem to have picked up a virus from here and even after I cleaned my computer it wasn't letting me back on here
but all seems to be ok now
I have, as always, been working a lot lately. I have to take a day off just over a week ago as my knee has finally decided it's had enough and gave up
but I was back to work for the bank holiday and as soon as normal working had resumed I went straight to see the physio on Wednesday morning. My usual physio was away so I had to see someone else and she worked on my poor knee for over an hour but couldn't fix it. She booked me in to see my usual physio this wednesday and advised I get the ball rolling with the docs, a process I was dreading. So on Friday I went to the docs. Not looking forward to seeing a locum as previous experience has not been good. They seem very disinterested as you are not their patients and in a week or 2 you can be another doctors problem! But I was pleasantly surprised by this one. On first glance he said it was seriously inflamed and I should take regular ibuprofen, regular ice compressions and rest to try to reduce it. He did a few tests and concluded that he will skip the investigatory stages and has referred me straight to the muscular-skeletal clinic which should take 3-4 weeks for an appointment. Last time it took almost a year to get to that stage so I am really pleased he has fast tracked. He said because of my condition and because I have already had one knee 'done' there was no point in wasting time.
So now I am waiting for my appointment and hoping my knee will hold out for a while. I need to stay in work for at least the next 5 weeks but ideally I would like the knee to hold out for a few months. It seems inevitable that this will not get better on it's own so I have to do all I can to hold it off. I have crutches on order for when my knee can no longer weight bear but I have also been advised to use them when not at work to keep the pressure off it. I don't like that idea as I'd feel like a fraud! But at least I will have them ready as I know from last time that it can jusr 'go' without much warning. But for now it's manageable so I just have to limp on :8855:
I have, as always, been working a lot lately. I have to take a day off just over a week ago as my knee has finally decided it's had enough and gave up
So now I am waiting for my appointment and hoping my knee will hold out for a while. I need to stay in work for at least the next 5 weeks but ideally I would like the knee to hold out for a few months. It seems inevitable that this will not get better on it's own so I have to do all I can to hold it off. I have crutches on order for when my knee can no longer weight bear but I have also been advised to use them when not at work to keep the pressure off it. I don't like that idea as I'd feel like a fraud! But at least I will have them ready as I know from last time that it can jusr 'go' without much warning. But for now it's manageable so I just have to limp on :8855: