Taz's diary - Need to do this!

I saw Taz & Mr Taz last evening - they were in fine fettle x
Morning all! Well I had 2 weeks off work and it was manic! Week one: Monday we had to take the big car into the garage, Tuesday I went to Cornwall for the day which was a great day but a long one. Wednesday we had to take the car back into the garage, then to visit Kat and the baby in hospital. Thursday was my birthday and we went to Drayton Manor for the day then out for dinner in the evening. Friday was another early start. I had to go for an MRI scan on my knee but it was 40 miles away and I have to be there for 7.45am! Worth getting up early for tho. Then we had to do some last minute shopping for the holiday and in the afternoon our friend came round with her luggage so we could get the car packed up. Friday night we just chilled. Saturday we went away camping for the week :D

The camping trip was great, we had sunshine and blue cloudless skies all week. We were staying in Great Yarmouth but had a day trip to Lowestoft, spent a day on the Norfolk Broads where we took a boat out for a leisurely trip. We found a theme park and spent a day there too.

Update on my friend with the brain tumour: I haven't been in to see her recently as I've had a bug lingering. But she now has her phone and texts daily. She is doing well and they are now not going to operate on the last 10% of the tumour and instead attack it with radiotherapy. She is having a lot of physio and speech therapy and she can do a lot for herself now. One thing I can see from the texts is that she is mostly back to her old self which is brilliant :D

Knee update: After the 'specialist' told me there was no tear in my cartilage and refused to send me for a scan my physio referred me for a scan privately which showed a tear in the lateral meniscus and mild chondrocalcinosis (calcium deposits in the knee) so I have booked another appointment with madam 'specialist' next week to see what she makes of that! My physio says it needs fixing so hopefully SHE will agree and do the right thing this time :confused:
Let us hope "Madam" doesn't dig her heels in - no-one likes to be proved wrong professionally. She should now take a step back and do the right thing x
Morning Taz, glad you enjoyed your time off. Great news about your friend. Fingers crossed the specialist does the right thing.

Are you free on Saturday 29 September?
Hello! Im back............. again! x
Welcome back! Where have you both been???

Well I saw the 'specialist' last week and after much talking, denial, and back-tracking she agreed that the scan did in fact show what it was showing (yes, she tried to deny what she was seeing!) and agreed that I should have it fixed. Although she is still holding onto the belief that it's not the tear or the chondrocalcinosis causing the pain and said that getting it fixed may not cure the pain! We will see......
I bet it was tough back tracking - words are a bit chewey when you have to eat them - she couldn't concede EVERYTHING could she x
I was busy getting back fat again lol, life does that to you sometimes. Loads has happened- got notice of redundancy, fell dislocated my knee, broke my jaw (and that's just this year!) All fixed now though and have a new job starting in a week so feeling human again and ready to take control of my life!

Sounds like you've had a tough time, hopefully it'll get sorted now.

Hi Rainbow too :)

I was busy getting back fat again lol, life does that to you sometimes. Loads has happened- got notice of redundancy, fell dislocated my knee, broke my jaw (and that's just this year!) All fixed now though and have a new job starting in a week so feeling human again and ready to take control of my life!

Sounds like you've had a tough time, hopefully it'll get sorted now.

Hi Rainbow too :)


Wow you have been in the wars! Hope you are better now x
Well Taz-World has been a little busy. I have my first appointment with the surgeons in just over a weeks time and I should come out of that with a date to be fixed :D regardless of that date I plan on finishing work in 6 weeks. I have a complex plan based on overtime etc so I can earn enough before I go to be able to relax knowing that, not just this years, but January and February's bills are also covered. Really I shouldn't be working now as my knee is almost permanently swollen, I can only get through work by Rock Tape-ing my knee which is not doing the skin underneath much good. So in 6 weeks I will be giving in to it and resting up before it gets fixed.

It's going to be a very busy 6 weeks though.... I have 2 qualifications to complete before I go, my assessor qualification and diploma, and I applied to be a peer trainer which I was shortlisted for and I now have to do a presentation to get the job! I still have to do the course for my Route Assessor job and I will have to do a Peer Trainer course too but I think that will have to wait until next year now.

Weight wise, nothing to report. It's stable but I need a downward shift. I have set myself a goal that when I got back to work I will be 25lb lighter and hopefully fit into smaller trousers! At the moment my scales aren't working, I'm hoping it's just the batteries as this is my second set of the same ones and they are good when they work!

So that's the story so far, when I finish work I will have more time to get online :D
Good luck with the appointment Taz xxx
Yes Nomad, just going onto long term sick. It's getting harder and my knee has already given out once so I know I can't keep on working for too much longer. It was more than a week ago that it gave out and not done it since so I'm still hanging on by a thread :innocent0001:
It'll be good when you can rest it properly - it can't be doing it any good working it so hard x
Only a few more weeks and rest it I will! I have stitched up the next 6 weeks with strategically placed leave days and days doing other things than actually working (hospital appointment, assessments days, training etc) to minimise the hours I'm doing whist still being able to do overtime