Team ideal

Good night all day 21 all done and dusted and feeling better now had pure bloated feeling today and wanted to eat something but gave my head a wobble and I'm alright now
Just in from work, very long day! But over now, got some strawberry water from tesco, need to up my water! I'm very bad at drinking it all x
Think I might start weighing every two weeks as I've had to change now to Monday as my rota changed. I'm a nightmare to pin down, I'm always so busy rushing round. Once I'm slim I need to find time for going out more and shopping days too, ;) so will be twice as busy! But in a good way x

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harassed_mother said:
Good night all day 21 all done and dusted and feeling better now had pure bloated feeling today and wanted to eat something but gave my head a wobble and I'm alright now

Glad to hear it :) x
harassed_mother said:
Good night all day 21 all done and dusted and feeling better now had pure bloated feeling today and wanted to eat something but gave my head a wobble and I'm alright now

Whoohoooooo day 21 tomorrow for me glad your bloating has gone and your wobble has all gone it is horrible when that happens isn't it nite nite sweetie pleasant dreams xxx
notlongnow said:
You will be fine - I found the week before starting I ate really badly as it was like a last supper every day so didn't manage to cut my carbs so if you don't manage to don't panic you will make it to ketosis either way. Once you start you will be on your journey & back in control. What day is day 1?

Hi there day 1 will be Tuesday 8 may x
donnamarie said:
Evening all.
I've been to a pampered chef evening tonight.
And stuck to the water! :)
Even with all the food, alcohol and nibbles.
Plus all the food talk haha.
Came home to my mint crunch bar and it's yummy!
Feels so good to be in control :)
Day 16 tomorrow.

Well done that's good going !!! Xxx
colettegray said:
Hi everyone , had my first weigh in tthis morning and I've lost 9 and a half pound !!! Also 2 inch of my waist I'm so pleased .


That's great well done
Vjdisme said:
First step is coming on here and reading all the positives people write and by Monday ( if that's you're start day ) you will be raring to go ! By the Monday after you will have a great loss and you can share it for a big pat on the back from all of us :) xxx Good luck , you can do it you're worth it x

Thanks. Dry much for your kind words, everyone here is amazing and as you rightfully said very helpful. Well done on your loss how amazing is that.
Newtocd said:
Thanks. Dry much for your kind words, everyone here is amazing and as you rightfully said very helpful. Well done on your loss how amazing is that.

Meant to say thanks very much....

Also huge well done to all the losses. X
liripip said:
Evening all. Some great losses yet again, you're all doing so well. Can't weight for wi on Saturday. As I've mentioned before my mum started on Monday, she had a sneaky peek on the scales tonight... 3 lbs down already :) dead pleased for her. Think seeing that has given her the determination to keep going.

I've had another busy day, the activity day at uni was cancelled at the last minute. The school that was supposed to come pulled out. All a bit annoying. We've got to do it next week now. Not really happy about that as its eating into time I'd got set aside for other projects. Can't do anything about it tho, just have to get on with it.

My stomach's been gurgling like mad today, not through hunger tho think it's more to do with the bars. But I'm still going to have them, the mint one is just too yummy to give up :)

All in all another good day :) made better by Ronnie O'Sullivan getting thru on the snooker ;)

Hope you all have good night. Bring on tomorrow!!! xxx

I'm noticing mad tummy grumbles from the bars too but like you enjoy them lol. Great stuff for your mom hope she's thrilled. The size is falling off my mom since she started too x
donnamarie said:
Evening all.
I've been to a pampered chef evening tonight.
And stuck to the water! :)
Even with all the food, alcohol and nibbles.
Plus all the food talk haha.
Came home to my mint crunch bar and it's yummy!
Feels so good to be in control :)
Day 16 tomorrow.

Good for you! What's a pampered chef evening. So sounds like my sort of thing x
harassed_mother said:
Good night all day 21 all done and dusted and feeling better now had pure bloated feeling today and wanted to eat something but gave my head a wobble and I'm alright now

Well done hun. Another great day and great WI x
Zest for Life said:
Just in from work, very long day! But over now, got some strawberry water from tesco, need to up my water! I'm very bad at drinking it all x
Think I might start weighing every two weeks as I've had to change now to Monday as my rota changed. I'm a nightmare to pin down, I'm always so busy rushing round. Once I'm slim I need to find time for going out more and shopping days too, ;) so will be twice as busy! But in a good way x

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Ah just seen this! A two week WI can be good if you can hold out for that long as there's less measly weeks for the occasions we get them eh! I think we all need a life overall to make time for ourselves at the end of this. Everyone in this team is so busy lol x
Hey all :) how are we today, so not been on for roughly 4 days thanks to the muppets at Virgin media who managed to switch my Internet off for four days without knowing why they had done it lol....rant over :)

First week is now over!! Was ok for the first 3 days then struggled with headaches and having no energy on day 4 and 5, stuck it at though and they went away on day 6 :D

So this is me starting day 8, amazed that I've made it this far lol, oohhhh and I hady first weigh in last night and lost 9lbs :D very pleased with that!!!

Hope everyone's doing well :)

PS I've just copied this from my post in my weight loss diary to save me typing it twice haha, sheer laziness at half 6 in the morning, I'm now off to attempt to catch up on how everything I've missed with the team in the last 4 days!! :D
Morning everyone...and welcome all the newcomers :)

Well, I had a good day yesterday...tried the bars and they are gorgeous! Went to bed at 6pm for a nap and woke up at 5am this morning lol, must have needed it! Mind you I was shattered yesterday!

Anyway, have a good day and well done to all who had their weigh ins yesterday :) speak later xxx
CDguy said:
Hey all :) how are we today, so not been on for roughly 4 days thanks to the muppets at Virgin media who managed to switch my Internet off for four days without knowing why they had done it lol....rant over :)

First week is now over!! Was ok for the first 3 days then struggled with headaches and having no energy on day 4 and 5, stuck it at though and they went away on day 6 :D

So this is me starting day 8, amazed that I've made it this far lol, oohhhh and I hady first weigh in last night and lost 9lbs :D very pleased with that!!!

Hope everyone's doing well :)

PS I've just copied this from my post in my weight loss diary to save me typing it twice haha, sheer laziness at half 6 in the morning, I'm now off to attempt to catch up on how everything I've missed with the team in the last 4 days!! :D

Fantastic loss well done ! Xxxx