Hey all
how are we today, so not been on for roughly 4 days thanks to the muppets at Virgin media who managed to switch my Internet off for four days without knowing why they had done it lol....rant over
First week is now over!! Was ok for the first 3 days then struggled with headaches and having no energy on day 4 and 5, stuck it at though and they went away on day 6
So this is me starting day 8, amazed that I've made it this far lol, oohhhh and I hady first weigh in last night and lost 9lbs
very pleased with that!!!
Hope everyone's doing well
PS I've just copied this from my post in my weight loss diary to save me typing it twice haha, sheer laziness at half 6 in the morning, I'm now off to attempt to catch up on how everything I've missed with the team in the last 4 days!!