Team Weighty Mateys - April 2009

Hey not been around much been really struggling to get on plan and been skipping class naughty naughty but i back fuffs as co-cap she always gives me great advice just my opinion i think ur all great x
Jaxmummy. You are very sweet. Well done for coming back. I have struggled with plan from last week until this tuesday. Been on the speed food challenge since wednesday. Loving it lol

Is everything ok with life?
Hello all, I don't mind either way. Fuffs and Sarah both provide a lot of support to others so one of them should be co-captain :) (me being very diplomatic, lol ;)).

Ikkle, good luck with your exams hunny :)

Jaxmummy, hope you will get your motivation back. Maybe have a couple of (planned) days off, and have a fresh start... say on Monday? :)

B. xx

I hope no one feels they need to choose between me and Sarah. I am easy (not that way!!!) either way lol...There may also be others who really want to do it. At least Sarah's computer may be in order for the next week or so. can't vouch for my laptop lol

This certainly is not an Obama and McCain situation!!lol
lol , i think fluffs would be brill at the job , as your always so helpful , but as i understand sarah will be able to up date more due too fluffs computer , ooo i dont know lol , oo well plans for this weekend , not to eat any of the kids easter eggs lol . good luck all
Even if I am not co like I said, my Dream Machine wants to become a nightmare again...I am so happy that I help people. I love this forum and particularly love being part of this group in any capacity. I do think Sarah should be Co-Captain. She is lovely and reliable. But, I will act as her deputy and keep trying to be as helpful as I can be.

You lot help to inspire me a lot. I am very grateful :)

thanks guys xxxxx
Well I think the best thing would be for both of you to be co captains, that way if one of you is not able to update for any reason, hopefully the other will be able to keep things up to date. I shall try and update this week so its all up to date and then I will pm you both the details for the spreadsheet. :)
Back today guys, so my weigh in day will now change to a Saturday. Thanx for your lovely message fuffs, my laptop has also been playing up so i know what a nightmare it can be. Congrats to you both, u will be great. Back on track today one day at a time, im going to try more red days as i think i eat too much on a green lol.
Jax, I totally overdo it on green so if I fancy green stuff I do mix to max and keep it to just one meal, I never do a green day, but you have to find what works for you. Currently I,m doing mainly Mix2Max but with an EE day or two each week.
We had the most wonderful walk in the woods last night, the bluebells were like a carpet, really beautiful, we are going to go back later today with the camera to take some pics of the children in the bluebells.A couple of months ago I just wasnt fit enough to walk as I used to get breathless, now I can walk the two miles round easily and my pedometer works out I use 400 cals too!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Well I think the best thing would be for both of you to be co captains, that way if one of you is not able to update for any reason, hopefully the other will be able to keep things up to date. I shall try and update this week so its all up to date and then I will pm you both the details for the spreadsheet. :)

That seems a good idea Ikkle. Thanks chick :)

Back today guys, so my weigh in day will now change to a Saturday. Thanx for your lovely message fuffs, my laptop has also been playing up so i know what a nightmare it can be. Congrats to you both, u will be great. Back on track today one day at a time, im going to try more red days as i think i eat too much on a green lol.

Thank you Jax. My laptop has been to the techguys 4 times already this year! They evensent it back broke and not repaired last time. They had snapped the keys out and sent it back to currys. It had to go off again. I was not best pleased, I can tell you lol

Good luck with focusing back on plan. I know you can do it. And you know you can do it :)

We had the most wonderful walk in the woods last night, the bluebells were like a carpet, really beautiful, we are going to go back later today with the camera to take some pics of the children in the bluebells.A couple of months ago I just wasnt fit enough to walk as I used to get breathless, now I can walk the two miles round easily and my pedometer works out I use 400 cals too!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

That sounds beautiful!! And well done
with being able to walk so much more!

I have never tried mix 2 max. I may give it a go at some point x
I managed to walk up my drive today - my drive is quarter of a mile long! I did it in 5 minutes, mind you, I was leaning heavily on my crutch by the end - I was exhausted! I would have walked further, but the wind was quite strong, and I was afraid of being blown over.
Well done Crazycrafter! That was really good. Great Motivation :)

Wow, your drive is huge!!lol
Had to tell you folks this- so funny!!!

My 6 year old daughter has just had a grizzy tantrum, why, because shock, horror we've run out of mullers!!!!!!

She looks so lovely now she's asleep but boy was she cross!

Not flesh of my flesh,
Or bone of my bone,
My beautiful daughter,
My own,
I never forget,
For a single minute,
She didnt grow under my heart,
But in it.
lol!!! Thats funny!

I love that poem..Did you write it?
Morning ladies :wavey:

You didn't have to chose between me and Fuffs, I just thought as me as in 'if nobody else wanted to do it' person! lol!

Anyhoo! You all sound to be great on track with exercise etc... so well done you lot :clap: I am off to the gadget show live at the NEC today so that should incorporate a lot of walking for me. I am also taking a packed lunch :eek: go me!!! I don't want to be thrown off track with what's offered there...! :innocent0002:

I have had a few glasses of wine this week, all been counted mind you! So fingers crossed there will still be a loss as I am still lovely on track with food.

Anyway... I am off now. Will report back later. Have fabby days ladies... remember... nothing tastes as good as being slim ;) Keep going xxx
I was the same Sarah lol

My sis works at the NEC. She is working there today. Hope you had a great time.