Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

I did make some of the sw recipe lemoncurd but its nothing like the real thing. :rolleyes:

Its horrid when it seems to go on for a long time and they can't sleep properly. Better that she got him checked though, just to reassure her. Hope it soon clears x

Yeah I tried it too hun lol - nothing remotely like it booo.

fngers crossed it does poor mite hes happy enough in himself so thats good xx
I like lemon curd on crumpets nom nom x
HEXA -40g RF mature cheddar
2 wholemeal bread

Brekki -
Toast with lemoncurd

Dinner -
Chicken burger in a bun with salad

Tea -
SW chips, bacon,egg,mushrooms,cherry toms, cucumber, beetroot, cheese(hexa) fried egg

Drinks -
pepsi max , Blackcurrant NAS

Snacks -

Syns -
chicken burger (4.5) Bun (7.5) lemoncurd(2) hot choc(2) total 16 grrr

Editing snacks: ive got the munchies - muller yogurt, red and green grapes, melon

A good day with legal munchies!! And only 1 syn over - have u got one spare from earlier in the week? Or u can pull it back 2moro! And bet u burnt off more cals sleeping with ur other man last night!
A good day with legal munchies!! And only 1 syn over - have u got one spare from earlier in the week? Or u can pull it back 2moro! And bet u burnt off more cals sleeping with ur other man last night!

Thanks hun - I usually eat very little on a Weds as its WI day - so usually do brekkie then fruit for lunch and nothing after that until WI. So fingers crossed I can still do ok. I need 1.5 off to get me back to top end of target eekk x
I'd hate evening weigh ins! Though I can't say I much like morning weigh ins here either lol, not when the scales aren't being kind :eek:

I used to love my Saturday morning WI's with WW - I used to go out on a Sat night then it meant I had all week to have a clear run. I know theres the same amount of days in a week but a mid week WI sometimes kills me lol x
Hehe yep, I get what you mean totally! Anyway, I shall have my fingers crossed for you tomorrow hun and you look fab as you are, whatever the scales say. I mean, you went out in a mini skirt today! Woohoo! :)

I'm off to my bed now, hoping to sleep for longer tonight... I'm worse than a baby! lol. Night hun xx
Hehe yep, I get what you mean totally! Anyway, I shall have my fingers crossed for you tomorrow hun and you look fab as you are, whatever the scales say. I mean, you went out in a mini skirt today! Woohoo! :)

I'm off to my bed now, hoping to sleep for longer tonight... I'm worse than a baby! lol. Night hun xx

Ahhh thanks lovely - Night night sleep tight and sweet dreams xx
I'd hate evening weigh ins! Though I can't say I much like morning weigh ins here either lol, not when the scales aren't being kind :eek:
But at least we can weigh in the buff at home!
Morning :) :) :) Cloudy slept, so all is good in my world. Hoping the same is true there and you have a great pre-wi day :) xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins.com

Morning lovely I slept like a log. I fell asleep on the chair last night lol went to bed at 11.15 and woke at 5 for the loo.

I've taken hubby into work, got quite a busy day today, did I tell you I'm going away for a few days for a lovely time with some lovely friends hehe

Not hopeful for wi I think I'll need to pay tonight as I'm still out of target grrr. I think a bit of it is my hormones if I'm honest. I know my foods not been brilliant but not enough to warrant another gain this week grrrr x
Same re sleep, it's great! Busy is good, as long as it's not the stressy kind of busy.

Ooh going away? Somewhere nice? Hehe, I might have seen something ;)
The excitement is building!

Well the scales aren't everything. You wore a mini skirt!! Outside! Where people could see you! I bet they thought, lucky lady, it's ok for her being lovely and slim. No idea how much effort you've put into it, so Pah to the scales. It's nice to see that number down and of course, not have to pay but even better to look as good as you do now :)
So there ;) lol xx

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I said to hubby as I got into bed last night it feels like I've not been to bed for days lol.
It's very exciting I'm like a big kid lol

Awww your a gem hunni you know how to brighten someone's day ... Thank you xxx
Good luck for wi

Hope it goes well. I've just caught up and it's good news that sister didn't have a stroke. Hopefully with the new meds she'll be feeling much better. I just adore Jackson pictures he's a handsome dude!
Glad your getting some nice time with him.

Sorry for not been on here properly xx

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Good luck for wi 

Hope it goes well. I've just caught up and it's good news that sister didn't have a stroke. Hopefully with the new meds she'll be feeling much better. I just adore Jackson pictures he's a handsome dude!
Glad your getting some nice time with him.

Sorry for not been on here properly xx

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Hello my lovely good to see you :)

Thanks I'll need all the luck, I know i'm out of target this week so will have to pay booo. My heads just not been in the game lately. Im going to enjoy my time at Kathryns and the meet and then need to focus all my energy on getting the numbers back down for xmas. Its so easy to let it all slip away!!

Jackson is such a little pleasure to have, I could just sit and watch him for hours and listen to all his funny little noises hehe. Im much happier now knowing about sis and I do hope the change in meds will see a drastic improvement in her.

No need to apologise hun you have stuff going on at home re builders etc - we all have things going on at the mo and ive not been here as much myself.

We need another meet arranging for after xmas :D xx