Texty's Back - Plain and Simple


Have a fantabulously wonderful time both of you. Travel safe hun xx

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Have a good day x

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I don't think I would either hun it just feels like that at the mo. I normally do plan as much ahead as I can but not lately. My heads been on another planet lol even yesterday when I picked hubby up he said Sheila what planet you on today .. It's cos I rang him at work about some money I was going to transfer from one account to another to pay for something and he said we discussed this last night were you actually listening to me!!! Oops

So yes once I'm back plan plan plan. Maintaining is bloody hard. I'm about 5 lbs heavier now than when I got to target:-( I was in the 10s now I'm 11.3.5 eek

I told hubby it's a good job I'm not away for a week he would starve lol

Right I best get my ass into gear I've somewhere to be today lol

Speak soon lovely xx

Yes maintaining must be tough but after what u've been thro recently it's a wonder u've not turned to drink! Hope u have a safe and stress free journey - know u'll have fun with Kathryn - do u both good and the meet will be great too! Xx
Well done on your loss hun!

Have a safe journey and a fab time with miss k. Don't either of you be doing anything I wouldn't do ;):D

See ya Saturday :) xx

Anything goes then (if all that I hear about Sammy is true LOL!) xx
Evening ladies - I arrived safely but a little later than planned due to traffic grrr.

We popped out to local shops earlier to get on plan supplies (polishing our halos so far :) notice I said so far lol)

Lunch and tea whoop and my new hair do :)


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Evening ladies - I arrived safely but a little later than planned due to traffic grrr.

We popped out to local shops earlier to get on plan supplies (polishing our halos so far :) notice I said so far lol)

Lunch and tea whoop and my new hair do :)

hope you'll be sporting your new hairdo on Sat? food looks lovely too!
Lol I didn't buy it but who know what tomorrow brings!

Our food has been lush today :) we were stuffed after our burgers but still had room for a cheeky vino or two hehe x
Lol I didn't buy it but who know what tomorrow brings!

Our food has been lush today :) we were stuffed after our burgers but still had room for a cheeky vino or two hehe x
Chuffed to see you having well deserved fun! Xx