Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Red Day

40G RF Cheese and 250mls SS milk
2 x whole meal rolls

Brekki - Fruit n Fibre with a banana chopped in

Dinner - 2 Ham n pease pudd sarnies

Tea - Chicken Tikka stir fry (loads of veggies)

Drinks -
Tea, pepsi max, hot choccy

Snacks -
SB cake, grapes and a mullerlight vanilla yogurt

Syns -
Pease pudding (2) Fruit n Fibre (4.5) SB cake (2.5) Hot Choccy (2) Meringue nest (3) Total 14


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Evening chick my day's not been to bad thanks I hope your well? Work was busy but I got lots done for a change x

I am fighting fit thanks you Sheila :)

Glad your day was a productive one!

Look what Jackson did in his sleep with his nails

:-( poor little sausage

Aww, poor lad, hope it isn't too sore. Can't you get little mitts for when they are sleeping? xx
Look what Jackson did in his sleep with his nails

:-( poor little sausage

Ouchy! Poor little face. Millie's nails grow SO quickly, Lucy is forever having to cut them. She uses baby nail clippers now but when she was tiny, she used to just nibble them off.
I am fighting fit thanks you Sheila :)

Glad your day was a productive one!

Aww, poor lad, hope it isn't too sore. Can't you get little mitts for when they are sleeping? xx

She puts them on him hun but they dont stay on most of the time I put some on him when he was here on Sat night and put a babygrow on with tightish sleeves so the mitts were tucked inside - nasty nanna covering his hands lol xx
Ouchy! Poor little face. Millie's nails grow SO quickly, Lucy is forever having to cut them. She uses baby nail clippers now but when she was tiny, she used to just nibble them off.

Ive only seen her use the clippers at my house but I know she has scissors with rounded edges too. I might try doing them at the weekend, I have him again on Saturday whoop x
Ive only seen her use the clippers at my house but I know she has scissors with rounded edges too. I might try doing them at the weekend, I have him again on Saturday whoop x

It gets worse the bigger they get, and try to pull their hands away. She used to to do it when she was sleeping but now she still scrunches her fingers up in her sleep! She sucks her fingers so doesn't like mitts on or the babygros that have the fold over cuffs. Now that she's bigger she doesn't seem to scratch herself as much though, more us by accident!
She puts them on him hun but they dont stay on most of the time I put some on him when he was here on Sat night and put a babygrow on with tightish sleeves so the mitts were tucked inside - nasty nanna covering his hands lol xx

He's a little booger then lol if he won't keep his mitts on :D

Yay to having him again on Saturday :) xx
Morning! Ah poor Jackson my tip for when he is bigger is to do. His nails while he watches T.V as it distracts them.
Hope you have a good day x

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Good morning Sheila x Hope Andrea and Jackson are well x have a good day x

Evening chick. Andrea is fine thanks, Jackson had his injections today so hes a bit twisty and warm. Shes just given him some paracetamol to keep his temp down x
Morning! Ah poor Jackson my tip for when he is bigger is to do. His nails while he watches T.V as it distracts them.
Hope you have a good day x

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Evening hun - i know :-( his poor little face! I used to do that with mine till they got wise lol x
Evening Missus :). Just trip-trapping my way through, don't mind me. Ooh is that something tasty I spot for tea? :)

Evening hun. Lovely of you to stumble in lol

Nothing exciting for tea lol leftover stirfry and some smash mixed with herbs to fill me up


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Evening hun. Lovely of you to stumble in lol

Nothing exciting for tea lol leftover stirfry and some smash mixed with herbs to fill me up

Hehe, now it sounds like I was drunk, lol. Wellmaybe not exciting but tasty and filling, more to the point nice and quick :)
Well done at weigh in, good result xx