Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Hehe, now it sounds like I was drunk, lol. Wellmaybe not exciting but tasty and filling, more to the point nice and quick :)
Well done at weigh in, good result xx

Lol hic hic

Yeah it was mega quick I was starving lol.
Thanks hun im at top end of my target now so need to bring it down a bit x
Yay good result at WI x
I'm good thanks fellow slinker :D

I'm all toasty in bed... I put my pj's on the radiator in the bathroom hehe x

Well that's the radiator properly dressed for the night... while you run around naked, and chilly. :p

Night night, sleep well xx
Well that's the radiator properly dressed for the night... while you run around naked, and chilly. :p

Night night, sleep well xx

Ooooh just as well Minis isn't visual!!
Evening hun. Lovely of you to stumble in lol

Nothing exciting for tea lol leftover stirfry and some smash mixed with herbs to fill me up

Looks good to me - if there's any left - pls pass some on!xx
Afternoon hope you are having a good day x

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Evening ladies I hope your all well? Whoop whoop its Friday tomorrow - I so look forward to my weekends :D Tonight ive had tea, made a SB cake and have a chicken curry in the slow cooker for tomorrows tea -gosh im organsied for once hehe!

Just settling down for the soaps - I know how to live x
Evening lovely... its great when the organisational bug hits and you get lots done and can then sit and relax and feel good :)
Not that I've done much as the cold is starting to make me feel a bit grotty, you know they're always worse in the evenings aren't they? :rolleyes:

Enjoy the soaps, we're sort of watching Missing but obviously I'm also reading Mins and I have a bunch of emails to reply to as well. Not sure how long I'm staying up though, I really want to dose up and go to my bed.
Evening lovely... its great when the organisational bug hits and you get lots done and can then sit and relax and feel good :)
Not that I've done much as the cold is starting to make me feel a bit grotty, you know they're always worse in the evenings aren't they? :rolleyes:

Enjoy the soaps, we're sort of watching Missing but obviously I'm also reading Mins and I have a bunch of emails to reply to as well. Not sure how long I'm staying up though, I really want to dose up and go to my bed.

Grrr I hate colds! I hope you feel better soon chick ((hugs))

Im watching a film with Hilary S**** called the reaping ( its a spooky) my fave kinda film x